Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 0 comments

I’m back from suffering!

finally, mock is over!
呼.. 終于可以鬆口氣了..
這幾天簡直是度日如度年啊.. 難熬死了!!
我睡了一整天, 才足夠補回我所流失的精力..
哎.. 連我自己也搞不懂,
爲什麽只維持了三天的考試, 竟然會比考一個月的SPM還來得辛苦?!!

this is the worst exam that i ever had before..
i tembak right a few questions of it..
but i don't think the answer i wrote will score full marks..
i know i'll fail la!! but plz don't let me fail with embarrassed marks again!!
i really can't take it de..
F5**performance management:
even no one of the ques that i know how to start to work with it..
my brain kong kong de!!
i know that i need to write something..
i cannot leave it totally blank even though i know i'll fail this paper..
so, all simply wrote la..
dunno why?! i cannot think of some mature or commonsense answers..
i just can't think it!!
ms. voonsia 很討人厭的!!
she always taught us some basic basic things in class;
but den come out with some strange questions in the exam..
swt -.-"
this time, the paper was set by ms. rozi and ms. joyce..
yes.. is joyce again!!
i knew that i'm gonna die again once i saw her name on the paper..
i still remember that last time T10..
my mock exam 是怎麽死的最慘的..
still can pass gua..
but surely will pass with a low grades..
mayb around 50~60 lor..

苦, 訴完了..
next, talk abt something which is happy..
yay ^.^~
one week++ break from now on..
mayb wil go for a movie..
or.... 瘋狂地 shopping..


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