Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 0 comments

marriage… takes ur whole life

三乾表舅舅's wedding dinner..
@ berjaya times square hotel..
why his name so weird huh?!!
no reasons..
it's juz because he is my mum's cousin..
and also 乾弟弟 at the same time..

i happen to have pt or mock..
every time during someone's wedding..
so, i have no chance to see the bride 進門..
or even though how was the groom been tease by his and her friends..
i was juz attending the dinned..
and 'yum sheng'、'yum sheng' only..

it's quite funny when 乾表舅舅 was giving a speech..
he said.. :" thank you to my mum and dad..
and thanx to my new mum、new mum、new dad、new dad... bla bla bla.."
new mum no.1 is for bride's mummy..
new mum no.2 is for the bride's 乾媽..
and the same thing for new dad and new dad..
then he talks a lot.. (**i forgot edy)
but he was still using mum, dad, new mum.... to talk abt their parents..
to thank、to make promise and whatever lar..

once you're married..
it means you're willing to form a family with your partner..
so, you're responsible to him/her..
it takes your whole life to love him/her..
to take care abt him/her..
to know more abt him/her..
to make him/her happy..
ta share his/her joys and sorrows..
and do whatever things that you can do for him/her..
included taking care of his/her parents..
and the most important thing is....
NOT to BETRAY your family..


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