Friday, March 13, 2009 - 0 comments

cold-war i.n.g..

today's class suppose to be ended at 5:30pm..
but i went off at 11:30am..
i skipped pushpa's class..
i'm too tired edy..
i woke up on 4:30 this morning..
cause my mum asked me to teman her fetch daddy to 三伯伯's houz..
because they need to take a flight to china..
but... gt someone else replaced my job..
fu-yoh man..
然後媽咪就來告訴我:" 你繼續睡啦.. 阿弟陪我去.."
ok lor.. went back and sleep..
but i couldn't fall asleep again..
really suay man!

after that i still need to help my mum to fetch the students to chs..
included my stupid brother..
honestly speaking la..
my most hated person is him d..
he gt a lot of things to cause me dun like him de..
many reasons combined together equals to no reason..
so, dun ask me why?!!
i'm just so disgusted with him..

i've almost two weeks didn't talk to my dad edy..
he told mummy & yew that he felt very sad wor..
anyway, i dun feel so..
because he seems like nth at all..
i also ignored him lar..
i was just learning from him only..
who asked him to neglect me when i was tried to 和好 with him leh??!
den i also pura-pura didn't hear him lor..

originally i was intended to attend the csb class tonight de..
because i've promised Lobak that i'll go for this week..
moreover, i cannot leave JieYing alone..
because Evelyn wasn't accompany her this week again..
but i ffj juga..
(still gt YingHui ma..)
so, i've changed my mind lo..

i think the csb class was still combined with others..
since there was only 4 or 6 of them in the next class..
mr. quah and ms. jenny decided to combine it..
and take urns to teach..
this week mayb til quah's turn..
we are taught by jenny last week..
she is quite pretty..
and i like her smile so much..
it's sooooo sweet..

PT2 is coming soon..
left a few days only..
i'm just finished studying half of F6..
and a little bit of F5 only..
plus read through paper F4..
actually i cannot recall back what i've studied for F4..

inadvertently saw these from CE..
it's quite funny..
~> 988飞轮海大马广播剧第一集

我們不能預知明天, 但是我們可以利用好今天。~~無極
我們不能每戰每勝, 但我們可以盡心盡力。~~阿布
失敗是什麽?? 沒有什麽.. 只是更走近成功的一步。~~大頭
成功是什麽? 就是走過所有通向失敗的路; 只剩下一條路, 那就是成功的路。~~一如

超奇怪的.. 有點點好笑..

Ella finally admitted that S.H.E have been 單飛..
Selina will continue to be in 主持界..
Hebe will release her personal album soon..
as for Ella, she maybe will shoot for some drama or movies..
S.H.E 加油!!~


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