Sunday, December 26, 2010 - 0 comments

之間 ~~女王不下班!

我是在看 MY ASTRO 數榜的時候, 無意閒聽到了這首歌和看到了它的 MV, 才決定跑去看 《女王不下班》 這部電視劇的。

不會說特別好看; 但也不會說很悶, 總之還不錯就對了啦。

Rating: 5.5/10

不過哦, 王心如還真的蠻漂亮的說! 修杰愷也很帥!

女王不下班, 愛情不孤單..

Cast: 張棟梁 ; 王心如 ; 李康宜; 修杰愷 ; 路嘉欣

章家有四位女兒, 母親離開人世的時候, 給她親愛的四個女兒留下四個禮物: 絲巾、鏡子、皮箱、鋼筆。

大女兒若天, 輕優秀的檢察官, 拼命三郎的女強人, 她得到的禮物是絲巾。二女兒若薇, 27歲即坐上時尚雜誌副總編輯, 也是不可一世的暢銷書作家、時尚女王, 她得到的禮物是鏡子。三女兒若依, 平凡善良, 愛家顧家, 公關公司的小專案負責人, 她得到的禮物是皮箱。四女兒若愚, 大學哲學系學生, 總是有怪怪的思想與打扮, 好像是從外星球掉到地球的小孩, 她得到的禮物是一枝鋼筆。

女兒們並不知道, 媽媽留給他們這四個禮物的意義是什麼? 爸爸總是說, 媽媽有交待, 等有一天她們找到幸福的時候, 才可以把媽媽的信念給大家聽, 這是一個大家都不知道的秘密。但是幸福是什麼? 四個女兒都還在尋找……

搞定, 女王我要下班去了; 繼續追看我的 《秘密花園/Secret Garden》 去啦。:) BYE! p\s: 順便多說一句, 玄彬真的真的很可愛!

親愛的Selina 我們等妳回來

親愛的Selina 我們都愛妳 我們都是妳的王子

萱萱, 等妳回來。。。
Friday, December 24, 2010 - 0 comments

Safe Night ~~Christmas Eve 2010**

♫ ♪  You better watch out, you better not cry.
You better not pout, Im telling you why.
Tien Fu Zhen is coming to town!  ♪ ♫

Hebe's coming, she is on the way now.
But the sad case is... I didnt get the tickets to her promo tour! Sigh**

Santa Claus,
Im only wishing for a free VVIP ticket to Hebe's LOVE live in KL! Praying hardly**

Coloured my nails with shinny dark blue. ^^

Love my last finger so much!

Yeah~! Rocker**

Will be spending our “ Safe Night ” at Auntie Shelley's house tonight.
I missed her curry lamb and sweet sauce sausage sooooooooo much!
Cannot eat so much though, 'cause just had a dental visit yesterday and cleaned my teeth.
Have not been there for a long long time, was very nervous and felt like vomiting before I get into the clinic. LOL

My dentist ~~Dr. Loh said my gums are so weak and sensitive, kept bleeding non-stop when he's cleaning my teeth.
Luckily no need to “ CABUT ” ! Haha
I thought cabut = ran away; mana tau its also meant tooth extraction. Fish liao**

Needa finish it!
Haiz.. Hate to take medicine / antibiotic man!

Teeth cleaning and antibiotic; total 150 bucks; 很會賺錢啊!!

Happy Christmas Eve!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - 0 comments

冬至快樂 ~~Happy Winter Solstice Day!

在我們的傳統裏, 過冬比過年還要大, 所以在冬至這一天, 吃湯圓絕對少不了! ;p

吃了湯圓, 就會團團圓圓啦! =)

搓湯圓很累的; 肩膀超酸的說!

不過也很好玩! 哈哈~

With flash.

Without flash.

I love this. ^^
But the “ U ” is a bit smaller la.

搞定, 煮熟了就可以吃啦。

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 - , 0 comments


P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance
Again, Im not sure whether my answers are sufficient for me to earn marks or not.
Hopefully they WERE! =)
Hmm.. I felt that the questions are actually quite simple if compared to those past year questions that I did, but, Im stuck at the time when I wanna start writing down the answers ’cause I really dunno how to start with it. Lol
And, the most common constraint, lack of time.
Now just hope that the marker will understand me, 要和我心靈相通哦!
Another two more papers on next Monday and Wednesday. Jiayou~!
To be continued…
Monday, December 6, 2010 - , 0 comments

Best of luck to all CAT & ACCA candidates!

Counting down: Approximately 16 hours from now until the start of my finals.

Good good luck to myself,
all of my fellow coursemates!

Aza aza..


Exam phobia ~~考試恐懼症?

原本昨天以前我都還好好的說, 不知道爲什麽今天一打開書本想要溫習時, 整個人就開始不舒服來着。

頭腦脹脹的; 眼皮很重﹑很想睡 ( 我明明睡很多了啊 ); 胸口很悶﹑很想嘔; 整個人感覺上快昏過去了。。。

No matter I will pass or fail in the finals; I will know how to do or dont know how to answer the questions, I just want these two weeks to be went by faster. I really cant stand it anymore! I am so S.T.R.E.S.S.E.D. !

Saturday, December 4, 2010 - 0 comments

Creative Passing!? Swt**

... different techniques candidates use to ‘make marks what they want them to be’ or how to ‘window dress’ the results sheet. ...


Those notes and textbooks just made me bloody bored and sleepy!


3 more days to finals..

Are you ready?

I wish I am. ;)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 - 0 comments

Goodbye November, & welcome December! xD

Christmas is coming lo; 叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴聲多響亮.. Its time to sing Christmas songs. ^^

First day of December; the last month of the year 2010.
Woke up at five o'clock in the morning 'cause needa send Baba to Uncle AA's house.
Both of them are flying to Guang Zhou for business and staying in there for a week :'(

Meimei's sleepy, still havent awake yet. She cant even open her eyes. Haha

Im doing face exercises. ;p

Acting cute la, actually. Lol
Argh, another three more red pimples popping up on my left cheek!
Im getting mad I tell you. Its already a lot on my forehead, and now still wanna “侵佔” my cheek huh?! Go die bah**

Im gonna miss daddy a lot. ;)

Then went Bukit Jalil park to jog.
I was the one who really J-O-G-G-I-N-G but mama and meimei were only slow-walking. Swt**
p\s: 'Cause Im also the only one who craving for slimming down.

After that, headed to OUG for breakfast and bought some vege from pasar and dapao breakfast for brother and his girlfriend ~~Eva.
She's coming to our house everyday to study till the day the exam starts.
She's a vegetarian, so no nasi lemak for her.

Home sweet home -> took a bath -> fetch mama to oldtown to pick up the pineapples that she has ordered -> home sweet home again -> few hours nap -> no lunch, only high tea time 'cause I only woke up at two thirty -> revision time -> dinner -> blogging.

OMG, I really looked like an Indian aunty. -.-' (No offence.)

Today's study look. All in blue. ;)
Wearing light blue tee, blue jeans, using blue scarf, blue hair tie and sitting on a blue chair.
Hmmm.. except wearing a pair of pink hello kitty slippers? Lol
And I think Im going to paint my nails with light shiny blue after the stupid exams.
Perfectly blue lover**

Dunno why, I suddenly feel like wanna play squash sooooooooo much.
Needa look for squash court after exams. If not, badminton also can de, can play at my primary school. :)
Okay la, gotta run, once again...

Bye-bye November and hello December! :D
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