Sunday, May 24, 2009 - 0 comments

such a restful sunday..

sunday, quite a restful day since i have decided not to touch any of the notes or books yesterday.. hee.. lazy fellow, right?! i am becoming crazy and mad these days; kee siao liao lah!!

wao~ excited man.. my first time tried to drive my dad's car.. we went to top-up the touch n go first before we went to KLCC because they always felt so tired after shopping and lazy to go shah alam again.. daddy was the one who driving initially but he asked me wanna try his car mou while waiting for mum and brotha.. okay lor.. just try.. aza aza fighting!! haha~ my mum was frightened by us when she saw the driver has changed.. can't imagine; my speed is around 120~140km/h but the car was still quite stable.. my mum sat behind there and 'scream'; asked me to slow down.. hee (: i tried the speed~120km/h before with my car and i felt that i am almost flying because the car wasn't stable.. okay.. as i know, my car's**120km/h not equals to his car's**120km/h.. his speed is more powerful than mine; no wonder mummy has been 緊緊抓著那個手扶靶 along the journey til KLCC :P

qiang qiang qiang~ brotha, yew and i went to watch "monsters vs aliens(3D)".. actually i wanna shopping de.. but the stupid yew said she don't want to watch movie too if i'm not watching.. okay lor.. by the way, i didn't watch movie in KLCC's cinema before and summore a 3D movie.. OhMyGod! i'm not feeling well after watching it; faints + wanna vomit.. kesian nya..

after movie, we joined daddy mummy and have our lunch at madam kwan.. then, i went into kinokuniya to search for a book named "the memory keeper's daughter".. unfortunately i can't find it but i found "fahrenheit's 寫真集 @ japan".. woo.. 58 bucks; no money; didn't buy ): okay, it's time to go back home since everyone was tired edy..

night, went asia café to have dinner.. foods not bad.. i love the 鍋貼 sooooo mucchhh!~~
Thursday, May 21, 2009 - 0 comments


of course not..
absolutely impossible..
a bit not feeling well nia..
not so serious..

no mood to study..
can’t squeeze the things inside to my brain..
almost done with F6..
mayb will start F4 on next week..
F5, i’ll read it after F4 and F6 de..
finals’ countdown:~
* F6 == 10days
* F4 == 11days
* F5 == 17days

today is 21st of may, right??
although i very behsong you,
but nvm…..
~Happy Birthday~ ya brother!! *.^
Friday, May 15, 2009 - 0 comments


i love this song sooooo muchhhhh~

Love Story by Taylor Swift.

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
i'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
you'll be the prince and i'll be the princess
it's a love story baby just say yes

Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
this love is difficult, but it's real
don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
it's a love story baby just say yes
oh oh

i got tired of waiting
wondering if you were ever coming around
my faith in you is fading
when i met you on the outskirts of town, and i said

Romeo save me, i've been feeling so alone
i keep waiting for you but you never come
is this in my head?
i don't know what to think
he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring

and said,
marry me Juliet
you'll never have to be alone
i love you and that's all i really know
i talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
it's a love story baby just say  YES

where is my ROMEO??
when is the starting point of my LOVE STORY??
Monday, May 11, 2009 - 0 comments

hApPy mOthEr’S dAy

再送媽媽們一首很好聽的歌曲: <天下的媽媽都是一樣的>

不管風吹雨打  不管星期或例假
我的媽媽從來不放假  工作為了家
廚房是她的天下  獅子頭還有紅燒鴨
樣樣她都精通不會假  她是我媽媽

從小常常挨罵  那是因為我不聽話
不要以為這是種懲罰  她只要我長大
媽媽我感謝妳  沒有把我跟大毛比
雖然我考試沒有得第一  她說只要你盡了力

天下的媽媽都是一樣的  哦...  天下的媽媽都是一樣的
天下的媽媽都是一樣的 哦... 天下的媽媽都是一樣的

不管太陽昇起 不管夕陽它又落西
為了我們妳犧牲了自己 我永遠不會忘記
將來有那麼一天 我把太陽高高昇起
掛在妳永遠滿足的笑意裡 媽媽我愛妳

天下的媽媽都是一樣的 哦... 天下的媽媽都是一樣的
天下的媽媽都是一樣的 哦... 天下的媽媽都是一樣的


媽咪, 謝謝你! 愛你喲~


in the evening,
we brought 外嬷 along went to north port to have dinner..
the view there damn beautiful man..
but the stupid yew forgot to bring camera..
can't take photos -.-

the foods served were quite good..
at least the taste not bad lar..
normally my dad will 瞪著我 if i said this..
but this time 他很爽快地就叫 waiter 拿一瓶 tiger beer 來..
wah.. 轉性了?!!
actually i was just joking nia,
上次在 shelley auntie 家的時候,
Sunday, May 10, 2009 - 0 comments

good FRIDAY? o.O

hmm, a good friday? (:

in the early morning, yew, that bad girl said she is so hungry and pull me up -.- OhMyGod it was only 8 something?! erm.. actually i woke up at 7+a.m. but just love to lay on the bed and lazy to get up x) hee..

ok lorh.. i bring yew went out with my lovely car and searched for foods since my mum wasn't around and no one is going to prepare the breakfast.. oh, the naughty girl, skipped school.. hahaa.. sports day was held by chs that day.. and my mum asked yew better don't go because the weather is damn hot.. so, she got the reason to ponteng sekolah la..

we went pj.. but i'm not familiar with the pj roads.. so, i was stuck in the house areas and can't find the way out.. stupid de.. i went there with yew before to search for someone and i was facing the same problems too last time.. dammit.. i sweared that i won't drive there(pj) again next time!!

after breakfast, we went back home to take a bath and off to OneUtama.. i've promised that bad girl to bring her out since many weeks ago but i always ffj.. ok.. that's finally a chance.. first, we went to book a K room.. oh, thanks god.. less ppl were lining up there.. no need to waste time lor.. then, we went for a movie~ "threads of destiny".. it was late so we rushed there and forgot to buy pop-corns!! who knows, the movie still haven start yet when we were in the cinema -.- there was only 5 girls nia including us + one couple + a guy in the room, erm.... 8 persons?! so few.. OhMyGod, the most scary thing is, the seat which i was sitting, is the seat that i sat on when i watched "coming soon".. -.- OHMYGODDD!

the movie started.. bla bla bla MOVIE-I.N.G. .. anyway, it is a nice movie but a bit sienz (:

after movie, it's SING K TIME! yay hoo~ the worker lead us to a Big Big room.. wow, better than last time i came with weiyi, they only gave us a small room -.- okay SING SING SING! we were so high! first time standing on the sofa and screaming like nobody business.. LaughOutLoud! we sang 200++ songs bah, i think.. WE ARE SO PRO MAN! wheeee.. and of course, as a S.H.E's super fans, i definitely clicked all their songs to sing.. but unfortunately, no much time left, so, i just sang half of it each and clicked next.. >.< i sang a lot of english songs this time.. (: 50% for chinese and 50% for english, i think.. all demanded by yewyew.. and we sang one or two cantonese songs.. but.... it was so funny and entertaining because of my 咬字不清.. swt -.-' hai-yo, i won't sing it anymore next time.. ^^ heehee.. this time i'm very pleased that we didn't clicked for the vocal for every songs except for those which is rock.. and i helped yew to 和聲.. awesome~ especially for <TiAmo>.. hahaha~ (:

then, time to go back home.. OhMyGod, traffic jam.. we stuck in the jam for almost one and a half hr.. oh, my leg!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 0 comments

Apollo Daphne


阿波羅(Apollo) 看到小愛神丘比特(Cupid) 正拿着弓箭玩。他毫不客氣地警告丘比特說:" 喂, 弓箭是很危險的東西, 小孩子不要隨便拿來玩。"

原來小愛神丘比特有兩支十分特別的箭。凡是被他用那支黃金做成的利箭(Golden) 射到的人, 心中就會立刻燃起戀愛的熱情。但要是被那支用鉛做成的鈍箭(Leaden) 射到的人, 就會十分厭惡愛情。

丘比特被阿波羅這么一說, 心里很不服氣, 所以他趁着阿波羅不注意的時候, 颼一聲地把愛情之箭射向阿波羅, 阿波羅心中立刻對愛情有了強烈的渴望。

正巧這時候, 來了一名叫達芙妮(Daphne) 的美麗少女。于是調皮的丘比特就把那支鉛做的鈍箭射向她。被鈍箭射中的達芙妮, 立刻變得十分厭惡愛情。

這時候, 被愛情之箭射中的阿波羅已經深深的愛上了達芙妮, 于是立刻對她表示愛意。可是達芙妮卻很不高興地說:" 走開, 我討厭愛情! 離我遠一點! 說着, 就像羚羊似的往山谷里飛奔而去。

可是阿波羅對于追求達芙妮并不灰心。他拿着豎琴, 彈出優美的曲子。無論誰聽到阿波羅的琴聲, 都會情不自禁地走到他面前聆聽他的演奏。

躲在山里的達芙妮聽了這優美的琴聲, 也不知不覺的陶醉其中, 順着琴聲走向阿波羅。躲在一塊大石頭后面彈豎琴的阿波羅立刻跳出來, 走上前要擁抱達芙妮。達芙妮看到阿波羅, 拔腿就跑。阿波羅在后面苦苦追趕, 并且大聲叫喊:" 我又不是你的仇人, 也不是兇猛野獸, 更不是無理取鬧的莽漢, 你為什么要躲我??"

儘管阿波羅在後面不停的對達芙妮呼喊, 達芙妮仍然當作沒聽見一般, 繼續往前飛奔。不過, 就算達芙妮跑的再快, 也跑不過阿波羅。跑了好一陣子, 達芙妮已經跑得精疲力盡, 上氣不接下氣的。最後她倒在地上, 眼看阿波羅就要追上, 達芙妮急得大叫:" 救命啊! 救命啊!"

這時候, 達芙妮的父親--河神聽見了女兒的求救聲, 於是就立刻用法力把她變成了一棵月桂樹(Laurel)。只見達芙妮的秀髮變成了樹葉、手腕變成了樹枝、兩條腿變成了樹幹、兩隻腳和腳趾卻變成了樹根, 深深的紮入泥土裡。

阿波羅見狀, 懊悔萬分。他很傷心地抱著月桂樹說:" 你雖然沒能成為我的妻子, 但是我會永遠愛著你的! 我要用你的枝葉, 做我的桂冠、用你的木材, 做我的豎琴、還要用你的花, 來裝飾我的弓。同時我要賜你永遠年輕、不會衰老。"

變成月桂樹的達芙妮聽了, 也深深的被打動, 連連點頭表示感激。也許是受到了阿波羅的祝福吧, 月桂樹終年常綠, 是一種很受人們喜愛的植物之一。

月桂冠是由愛情編織而成的。達芙妮象徵黎明, 阿波羅追逐達芙妮, 就好像太陽追逐著黎明一樣, 對愛亙古不變的追逐。

愛情, 在相守和逃開之間, 逃開的一定是愛情。

PS: "達芙妮 DAPHNE" 希臘語就是 "月桂樹" 之意。


♫ 鎖住 時間 鎖住我的心 ♫

S.H.E <愛的地圖> 新歌+摯愛情歌精選 數碼專輯

E≈  是桃花染紅等待的臉
是春風圍繞 把我們圈在裏面

S≈  一並肩哪裏都像花園
一談心聊天 走進另一個世界
有夢 就會實現

H≈  鎖住 時間 讓感動蔓延
你的 手心 許著盟約
E≈  oh 一起
鎖住 時間 留更多紀念
最愛 剪貼 屬於我們 的細節

H≈  在不能見時种下思念
E≈  將眷戀串成 獨一無二的項鏈
吻在 你的胸前

S≈  鎖住 時間 讓感動蔓延 (H≈ 讓感動蔓延)
你的 手心 許著盟約
H≈  oh 一起
鎖住 時間 留更多紀念 (E≈ 留更多紀念)
最愛 剪貼 屬於我們 的細節

E≈  我確定這次不會一眨眼
快樂就剩下照片 幸福就剩下懷念
發出了清脆鈴聲 像音樂美得人落淚
合≈ 說一句肺腑之言讓天聽見
做一件無怨無悔的事讓天看見 wooh
會不會天就忘了轉動時間 wooh

H≈  鎖住 時間 讓感動蔓延 (S≈ 讓感動蔓延)
E≈  你的 手心 許著盟約
合≈ oh 一起 鎖住 時間 留更多紀念
最愛 剪貼 屬於我們 的細節
鎖住 時間 留更多紀念
最愛 剪貼 屬於我們 的細節

P/S: I love the rap!~
Monday, May 4, 2009 - , 0 comments

back to college..

time passed so fast..
is time for me to back to my college life today..
i miss my holidays so much..
actually i was thinking to skip the edc de..
because i couldn't wake up this morning..
i'm so tired since i was only slept for abt 4~5 hrs..
i almost went to bed after 1a.m. during the holidays..
therefore i couldn't fall asleep yesterday night..
but anyway, i still paksa myself to get up..
no choice lor..
that's the responsibility of a student..

i went to watch coming soon on sunday..
horr.. terrible!!
the ghost's appearance looks so scary man..
but the actress was quite pretty lar..
hee.. leng lui orh..
unfortunately i didn't watch threads of destiny..
the movie that i wanna watch originally..

dad was thinking to buy exora..
the new model car which introduced by proton..
i think it's quite worth to buy at a price of 70+k..
it contained many functions..
such as bluetooth..
can call ppl through the car..
but its dvd player looks so lousy if compared to estima..
overall it is quite good..
but i'm not sure that whether it has problems anot..
because still haven have any ppls drive it now..
or should i say the car wasn't on the road yet..
daddy said he wanna buy it for me wor..
because my bro is getting his license later..
of course i'll be the one who driving the new car la, right?!
in fact, i think myvi is more suitable for me..
hee.. :)

finally, i have finished <花樣男子> today..
i've been watching it non-stop two days ago..
originally i was intended to watch <聊齋> de..
but it takes time to download..
and i don't have the patience to wait for it..
so, i found this drama from my mum's bedroom..
i dunno when she bought it..
mayb she told me before but i've forgotten..
i love Ji-Hoo so much after i've watched it..
actually i dun like him when i first started to watch this drama..
because i felt that he looks so 奇怪..
and i like Yi-Zheng the most..
he is the most handsome's guy in this drama..
hee hee.. i love leng zaii de..
Ji-Hoo has become very leng zaii after he cut his hair short..
wow.. looks so nice!!
Ji-Hoo 的個性更加吸引我..

帥!! 帥!! 帥!!
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