Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 0 comments

S.H.E + 飞轮海 《2008梦想我做主 全国巡回演唱会》

讨厌!!~ 讨厌!!~ 为什么只是全国演唱会.. 而不是全世界巡回演唱会呢??!! 好不容易才盼到 S.H.E 和飞轮海要一起开演唱会.. 怎么只是在中国几个地区巡演而已呢??!! 害我都没得去.. sad.. wu.. wu.. 不知道<蒙牛酸酸乳>的老板最后会不会改变主意, 要来个世界巡回演唱会?? 最好会啦!!~ 这样我才可以看到他们啊.. 等多久都没关系的.. 迟到好过没有到麻!!~~ 看了他们的schedule, 如果没有意外的话, 其中一场的concert是在阿尊尊的生日当天举行的.. 不知道他们会怎样帮他庆祝呢?? ella宝贝不知道会送什么礼物给他呢?? kiss kiss?? 应该不可能吧.. 就算有, 也是在后台或是一些隐秘的地方才给.. 好想亲自到现场帮阿尊尊庆祝哦!! <蒙牛>的老板真的很聪明.. 懂得找 S.H.E 和飞轮海代言他们的产品、举行演唱会, 还让他们合唱广告的主题曲.. 那首曲子叫做<酸甜>.. 我听过试听的版本了, 还不错听.. 除此之外呢, 要进军Japan就必须有好听的日文歌曲.. 所以呢, 听说飞飞要出日语单曲lor.. 在网上看到, 那首歌叫<Stay With You>.. 也听了两分钟的版本.. 不知道是不是真的版本来的??!!~ 如果是真的话, 他们未免唱的太好听了吧!!~ 比唱华语歌更加好听..


Next wed 又 gt exam le.. every 2 weeks gt an exam.. really sien lar!!~ 每次都得提心吊胆的.. last time, my T5's PT 侥幸地 can pass.. dunno tis time gt so lucky anot??!! al of the things can't go into my mind.. my god.. plz help me to clean up the rubbish and put all the useful knowledge into it.. if nt, I really wil die tis time.. bless me!! T5.. T5.. T5.. besides tat, v oso gt moral exam on 26th.. i haven bought the textbook yet.. always ponteng the classes.. lazy mah.. n dun understand what the michael moey is talking abt.. those things r too esoteric for me...


My class is the noisiest class among CAT groups.. every teacher like to complaint abt us.. miss yiong is the 1st 1.. she always said our generation is nt same with her.. dunno self-control.. din learn discipline in secondary school b4.. always make noise in class.. dunno how to respect teacher.. 害她 always need to ask us to keep quite.. juz like today ar.. actually she wan to say: who make noise again.. "get out" from the class.. bt she said: who make noise again, "get loud" fr the class.. haha.. den v talked louder n louder lor.. bcause she asked us to "get loud" mah.. hahaha..


Went pyramid with weiyi n sweetheart las fri.. weiyi drove her myvi to fetch us there.. her 技术 is better den me 多多倍.. abt 1 month d.. I stil dunno how to control de car.. haiz.. 真得很失败!! v watched <L Change The World>.. L is so cute in tat mv.. 臭weiyi, tricked me say tat there is no terror screen de.. swindler!! 那些人死到这样恐怖, 我看了都想吐.. bt tis mv really nice.. oso gt some funny screen.. nex time lar.. muz go out again.. mayb is my turn to fetch them.. hee hee.. if they hav confidence with me de hua..


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