Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - , 0 comments


Another uncle's Toyota Rush is being stolen inside his condo area.
I wonder what are those security guards actually doing? Sleeping or day-dreaming?!
Last time when Er Ge's merz car was being stolen, the insurance co has already told us that Toyota Camry and Rush are on the top stolen car list, nowadays those car thieves are so cheong-kong man! So scary**
OMG, I dont dare to drive my car already.

Finals will take place in less than 3 weeks time.
This will be the last sitting because all of the syllabus will be changed starting next year so that ACCA-grads are up to date wor.
Do hope that what Mr. Goh said is TRUE, the last and first sitting before and after the change of syllabus will be more easier to pass, so that I can finish my last four papers by next semester!

Gonna work as a part-time promoter for two weeks time starting this Friday.
Pros - Can earn some pocket-money by myself and gain some experiences.
Cons - Wasted the time for revision for finals.
Anyways, first time on it, really hope that I can handle. J, you can do it de! Aza aza..

There's a news on HIM Malaysia stated that Hebe will be coming to Malaysia on Christmas Eve!
Oh yes! I wanna go! Wait for me o!!
Never forget to pray for Selina. Pray that she can get well soon!

My new ADDICTION ~ My GF is a Gumiho!
Lee SeungGi vs Shin Mina
SeungGi oppa will be opening his “ 2010 Lee Seung Gi Hope Concert ” this Sunday in Seoul; and Mina onnie will be the special guest.
I really wish I could be there 'cause I really really wanna listen to his live songs; Im addicted to his voice recently; kept repeating the song <Losing My Mind> nowadays. Lol I thought I will prefer those sad and emo songs like <Fox Rain> or <I love You From Now On>; but I actually love this song sooooo much compared to other OSTs.
Hmm.. I have a feeling that Fahrenheit will be ignored by me slowly and slowly, but maybe not WuChun bah, 'cause at least Im still a CE! ^^


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