Friday, November 19, 2010 - 0 comments

Money, money, come to me!!

I need more money!

Worked as a part time promoter at Carrefour today.

Luckily I met a nice and good guy called Ben who helped me a lot. Really thanks him so much! ;)

Stood for 8 hours, selling garlic butter spread. So my job is only spreading the garlic butter on the bread and then toast it. Its easy but oily even though I wore the gloves!

OMG, my legs are almost broke le! Haiz.. Still got two more days to go for this week. Sabar..
說 真的, I really really miss Mr. Goh's class! I prefer to sit in the class for more than nine hours instead of standing there for seven/eight hours. Might as well kill me!! But I have no choice, 'cause I need the money!
Okay, gotta run, really need some rest now, but I think I better study for awhile before I hit my bed, no much time left le. xx.


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