Saturday, November 6, 2010 - 0 comments

Fahrenheit 88

Paid a visit to Fahrenheit 88 after dinner. Thought of visiting the new opened store ~ Uniqlo but it stops the queue to go in after seven. Swt** Never mind, Im not so interested in it also. ;p

Its drizzling!

Bubbles ^^


Without flash.

I like this.

Meimei bought one tee from this shop for only 50 bucks.
Rainbow mickey! Nice-looking**

Ice-creams from Shojikiya; 正值屋!! Yummy**
Five ninety each. I think they are cheap, arent they?

Japanese Choco Monaka Jumbo =D
p\s: I think I should cut my fingernails already.

Zaku Choco Tiramisu; this is nicer than the previous one. ;)

McD's breakfast.
Hmm.. I've never try it before -.-

Hey, 3 more minutes baru one hour and the parking needs 8 bucks!?
Never ask me to go there anymore, I hate that place!
Its even worst than the Empire Shopping Gallery.
“ Lousy lift, expensive parking, smelly, hot ... ”


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