Monday, November 1, 2010 - , 0 comments


This blessing pic will continue to appear in my posts or updates till the time when S is fully recovered!
So now please continue to pray for her! 3Q!

Its quite special to celebrate birthday in hospital. Im sure that it will definitely be an unforgettable experience for her.
Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and get well soon!

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First day of November o today, time really flies!
Had pizza as dinner yesterday, 'cause dad and mum they went out for a wedding dinner and we were actually ignored by them.
I was extremely tired after coming back from class, feel so lazy to go out and hunt for food! Delivery is the most fastest and simplest way to get my stomach full.

I love Domino's pizza! Once you tried it, you will never think of Pizza Hut anymore! Haha..
Tuna temptation on crunchy thin crust, my favourite! And and bro's recommendation, beef pepperoni, not bad also and I love beef so much! Yumyum!

After that, went Old Town for McD's ice-cream since parents are not around. 鬼鬼祟祟地出去; 鬼鬼祟祟地回來!Lol..

Woke up at about eleven today. Immediately hit my bed after I have updated Selina's birthday wishing post, slept for at least 12 hours but still feel like not enough. Consequences of having EDC/EFC?

Yup.. Have been busying with P7 revision classes for the past three days.
But, lol its like finally O-V-E-R!
Really cant stand marathon hours of classes per day!
I was almost become a half died fish le after the three days of suffering!
And and another four days are coming soon leh! OMG, please kill me!

Day 1:
Class started at 4pm, extra two hours of class for full-timers as we're way behind those part-timers.
Pity J, only reached home at about 11pm. Tired!

Day 2:
Reached college before seven for a class started at eight-thirty.
As usual, I parked my car in the college. When I was at the parking entrance, the tiang was opened and the guard said no need to take ticket, so I thought wah, sunway so generous arh today, free parking o, thumbs up!

... Discussing PYQ and copying answers from the whiteboard ...

One of the ques, mentioned about explosion de. Even us, will consider the life of the junior auditor when sending them to do audit in those dangerous places. But why the director didn't think of my Selina when he's asking them to act personally in the explosion scene? WHY?!! Izzit because of their life have lower value than his?!! Haiz..

And and the air-cond, sot sot de lo! Low temperature at first but then suddenly become super duper cool until I headache and become hot again. Repeatedly warm-cold-warm-cold! Crazy**

Six-thirty, discussing the last question of the day, so I was like, finally, can cabut le after this! Yay.. But then Goh suddenly announce that: “ Hey, for those who parked at the college, dont think that its free, you need to go to the security centre to collect a ticket and pay for it. ” Huh?! WTH? Got cheated by sunway! And and wasted my time for queuing up in front of the SC. The security guard's efficiency is very very low. Worked so slow to distribute the tix. Speechless la!

Day 3:
Halloween o!
There's an animax event held at MPH.
Some of them are so cute but some of them are WEIRD and SCARY!
Bak Chen said he saw a girl went into the male toilet but then he only realized that the ‘girl’ is actually a boy boy! Hahaha
Our female washroom was packed too, everyone is making up, adjusting their wigs and so on. So riuh-rendah!

Vivian told me that Mr.Goh is not teaching P1 anymore next semester and Ms.Kiran will be his successor. OMG, I really cant imagine that I need to be lectured by K again, it must be a nightmare! NOOOOO, I need to pass P1 this round!
And P7 too! Goh said that most of the core topics will be taken out from the syllabus and he's wondering what is still left to be tested.
One more P3, I also dont wanna try the third times.
So all must pass must pass! GAMBATEH~

Oh ya, Mr.Goh was so cute during the weekends!!
No more formal wears but only polo shirts and jeans!!
He's already looked younger when he's wearing formal and he's even youngest when he wore casual attires.
Looks like only older than us one or two years.
Even those part-timers looked elder than him.

Received a message from Hui Kee just now, asking me to give her advise on how to study P2.
I 愣住了 when I read the sms, then I started to laugh crazily.
Ask me o!? Hahahaha I think she supposed to ask those prize winners bah!?
'Cause I still cant believe that I actually passed this paper lo. Maybe is the marker too generous already la.

Time to cabut le. Lots of housework is pending. xoxo


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