Monday, February 22, 2010 - , 0 comments


December 2009 exam results were out at sharp 1pm but I only got to know mine after three.
I went home and sleep after my P3 class because I'm so tired and I really don't like the moments of waiting.
Full of rubbish stuck in my brain and therefore
, sleep will be the best way to turf the worries out of my simple little mind =P

Few hours later, I was awake by Lisan's message and quickly went to sit in front of my laptop and start checking. OhGod, I was on edge while waiting for the ACCA page to load but I was so SURPRISED when I finally saw my results~

There's a MIRACLE! It's really amazing!! 呵呵~ I PASSed all of the papers that I took for last semester!!!
Thank god man~ Loves YOU

Your examination results for the December 2009 session issued on 22-FEB-10 are:
Paper Details: F4MYS Corp & Bus Law
Result: Pass
Mark: 65
Paper Details: F7INT Fin. Rep.
Result: Pass
Mark: 65
Paper Details: F9 Fin. Man.
Result: Pass
Mark: 54

I thought I'll fail badly for F9 but I end up passing with 54. HeeHeeHee :)
Hooh... 真的松一口氣了~


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