Monday, February 15, 2010 - , 0 comments

59°F の 14 Blades

Went pyramid to watch <14 Blades> with AhKit KorKor, yewyew and brotha.
They booked midnight tickets and I was like 'FISH.I.N.G.' while waiting for the time to pass ;p

14 Blades ( 錦衣衛 )

Chun Wu ( 大漠判官 )

Erm... Actually I have nothing to comment on this movie because it contains plenty of fighting scenes which I don't like and I was just putting my concern on WuZun as I was quite sleepy throughout the movie. Paiseh la~ But at least I'm still supporting your movie ma, right?! So, I think it is quite fair to say that I'm a loyal fan bah?! Hee =D

* * * * *

Will be going to 拜年 later. Can get angpao(s) orh! 呵呵~


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