Friday, October 30, 2009 - 0 comments

S.H.E will be coming to Malaysia again next week.
They are coming to promote the Osim's products.
Hahaha, smart Osim, chose S.H.E to be the spokesman is really the best choice to sell their products!!
And it's good for us [those super fans] because it's a best chance to meet with them too.

Hoorr, I miss them so much!~
Monday, October 26, 2009 - 0 comments

미남 이시네요

It's time to relax and for drama since the stupid mock is over :)

I really love this kind of story...
& the most important is full of leng zai~
Cool~ I love the 3 guys plus 1 girl ♥♥
I feel like my dreams for Hana Kimi 2 is achieved when I watch this.
I know my dream is unlikely to come true  in this moment but I really hope that there will be one in future!
The ending part of the Taiwanese version is really disappointed me :(

Mock, BYEBYE! ;p

Mock exam was just ended on last Friday evening.
Hoooo… Feel relax now :)

ErkHmm, don’t bother to discuss about the exams here ‘coz I don’t think I’m doing well in all of the papers -.-

Kay, I’ll start my revision for the final SOON! [Soon = After October.]
Hope that I won’t fail my law paper again this time! *CHOY CHOY CHOY* *TOUCHWOOD*
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 - 0 comments

最尷尬之 考試流鼻血篇




還有那些笨 invigilators,










我身上和書包裏竟然都沒有 tissue,


Saturday, October 10, 2009 - , 0 comments

Mr. 1010 ; Happy Birthday :)

On this special day, I just want to say Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday, Goh Kiat Chun!

May all your dreams and wishes come true!
Thursday, October 8, 2009 - , 0 comments

Sushi Zanmai ✖ Tsunami At Haeundae

Such a fantastic Thursday 'coz Santha's class ended at eleven something :)
After packing, LiSan and I headed to Inti to meet with TianXin and thought to have our lunch at one of the Japanese restaurant near there but oops the restaurant seems to be haven start their business hour yet or they actually closed down edy?! *I dunno.*
So we directly went to Midvalley to continue our plan for a movie.

We had our lunch @ Sushi Zanmai @ The Gardens there before the movie starts.
Yumyum... I had Yakiniku Don as my lunch and it tasted nice but with too little slices of beef la. I think they should put more because I really love beef so much! *YUMMY!*
Beef and mutton will be my favourites rather than chicken and pork but we seldom eat them though 'coz mummy don't like. Haiz...

Yakiniku Don
[pic not taken by me ; I got it from Google search.]

After finished our lunch, we waited for KeanMun to join us for Tsunami At Haeundae.
YO, I don't want Hyung Shik die lar!! How come he has the brave to save others rather than himself?! If I were him, I'll definitely kick away the stupid man rather than sacrificed my life because I'm such a selfish person :p and it's really not worth to save
a bad boy!!
Anyway, this movie was really really nice! *.^ It can make you laugh out loudly and cry for those sad or touch moments.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 - 0 comments

最討厭之 不夠睡篇

I have never hated my class starts at 8am so much like today.
I didn’t sleep well yesterday night or should I say that I was just slept for about 2/3 hours nia.
It’s really tired!!
I have no mood to listen to Ms.Geetha anyway.

Got back my PT2 paper for F9.
I thought I’ll failed this time but the truth is I pass!
HeeHee :)
Okay, mock is just around the corner,
need to gambateh again to pass them with more better marks! *add oil*

Off le..
Bunch of F7′s homework is needed to be completed.
Nasty CFs questions!
Monday, October 5, 2009 - 0 comments

The Ugly Truth

It's ugly but that's the truth!

The few girls sitting beside me were busy clapping hands and laugh loudly.
Im quite wondering that why they are so excited with those dirty jokes?!
Swt -.-'
Really cannot tahan them!

Saturday, October 3, 2009 - 0 comments


I watched <The Winner> few days ago and the topic they discussed was "What people nowadays are indulged/crazy with?" something like that la.
Then there was this guest saying that she was addicted to 非死不可 in the beginning of the show.
I really cannot get what she has said until she explains 非死不可 = FACEBOOK  <~ memang swt!!
Another girl lagi teruk! She even set alarm to remind herself to go back home and sit in front of the computer to harvest her fruits/veges[Im not sure with it]. *She's MAD!*

ErmHmm, due to my curiosity, I created an account but I actually dunno how to use/play with it. Okay I know Im stupid lar.
So, I was just adding friends and played for some easy tests[felt lame; dunno why others was so excited when they play?!].

Anyway, I have deactivated my account and I won't touch facebook anymore!
I admit that I don't have any talent to play this difficult thingy....
Thursday, October 1, 2009 - 0 comments

Happy Birthday to Me! ;D

I want to be the first one to wish myself HAPPY BIRTHDAY!~
Here I want to thank my parents who brought me to this world and gave me a happy and healthy life because I don't think I will be here if they didn't meet each other and get married.
Daddy and mummy; thank you so much~
Especially mama, because you're the one who carried me in your body and suffered so much to 'push' me out.
Thanks mama! I you all so much!! Muacks~~

Oh ya, Happy Birthday to China too :p
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