Friday, March 14, 2008 - 0 comments

simply complaining..

today damn tired.. miss yiong's class was so boring and she always read word by word from the textbook.. den she dare to tell us don't memorize 'word by word' from the textbook.. she said v muz use our own words to answer the questions and plz don't copy and paste the definition from textbook.. haiz.. in her class, can always heard she said highlight underline underline.. highlight underline underline.. this sentence was repeated dunno how many times in her lesson d.. damn sien!! i was juz like want to kill her when i heard these few words!!

charm lorh!! next fri is my PT d.. haven start revising my T4 and T5.. i thought that it was very easy to pass my T5 in the beginning bcauz its passing marks is juz 40% only.. but.... this managing paper was the most difficult paper in CAT.. gt a lot of names such as Henri Fayol, Henry Mintzberg, Peter Drucker and so on need to memorize.. besides tat, v still need to learn what is a leader?, who is the manager?, communication, motivation, organisation theories and many many other things.. who fail the PT will b chased out from the class by miss wong.. so scary.. i still feel that the costing paper is more interesting than the managing.. aiyo.. i dunno how to manage ppl larh!! i think i should start my revision 2moro.. if not, i don't have enough time to finish memorize them.. haiz.. haiz.. haiz..

mr akbar.. my T4's lecturer.. he looks like a pro doctor more den a lecturer.. he said that the noise maker will b out of the class if our group's passing rate is lower in PT.. luckily i'm not the noise maker in class.. of course larh, i'm a good student marh!!~ but i still need to study hard to push my T4 to pass.. gambateh lorh!!~~

hampir forgot.. today is 白色情人節.. 大家~白色情人節快樂~咯!!


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