Thursday, December 6, 2012 - 0 comments

Life at client's...

Life with clients VS Life in office

The PK starts.. You better be ready. LOL

I love to be at client's place rather than working in office, especially when there's nothing for me to do.

Bored, scared to be found out by others that you are actually doing nothing, felt like a weirdo among the colleagues, guilty and so on. All the negative emotions make me can't breathe and am so fucking stressed.

Summore, I have to stuck in the jam for two hours to get back to home. Hate it to the max! *angry face*

It is totally a different story if I am at client's. I feel so FREE, in terms of everything. Flexible working hours, surfing net once you have finished with your work, chit-chatting with senior, facebook-ing, playing with your phone and blah blah blah. The most important is... I manage to reach home within 30 minutes from client's by just paying 2.20 bucks for toll.

However, this would also have to depend on what type of seniors you get to work with and where is your client.

For this engagement that I am allocated in now, I feel so thankful to have CHL as my senior and the client is based in Shah Alam. Thanks, NPM. =)


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