Monday, December 31, 2012 - 0 comments

New Year, new beginning......

It's gonna be 2013 soon, excited?

The year is drawing to an end, and it's time to wrap up everything especially those unhappy ones in the past year and move forward to another great new year.

2013, may it bring new hope, opportunities, happiness and adventure for everyone of us and may all my dreams come true! Hope it will be a better year than 2012. ^^

Welcoming new year and welcoming peak in Pantai at the same time. People, let's shout,


Ps: 自戀的人,放自己的照片。Hahaa

New gift for the new year..?

Just wondering... which is the right one to get first for the coming year. Or.. both together?
Saturday, December 29, 2012 - 0 comments

Movie: The Fierce Wife Final Episode

犀利人妻最終回:幸福男,不難 / The Fierce Wife Final Episode. Taiwanese film.

I just finished watching it a while ago, hmm, BORING is what I can say. Luckily I didn't waste my money for watching this kind of lame movie in the cinema. It can be a successful drama BUT not movie, okay?!

Next stop: What to Expect When You're Expecting ..
Tuesday, December 25, 2012 - 0 comments

Merry Christmas!

I found it very cute when my friend whatsapp me this video. Merry Christmas! =)

As usual, we spent our christmas night with Auntie Shirley, her family and friends.

Met a guy who is working in KPMG too. Quite fun when chit-chatting with him. Heh

Okie, so break is officially over and it's time to back to work. Jiayou!
Monday, December 24, 2012 - 0 comments

Home sweet home

Hi Malaysia, I am back.

It's good to be home again and I miss my little gin sooooo much! 

Am waiting to get back our bags now.

Ginger, wait a little while more and we are coming to fetch you to go back home soon. =)
Friday, December 21, 2012 - 0 comments

冬至快樂 . Happy Winter Solstice !

A warm greeting to everyone in the world. May all of us have a warm & enjoyable Winter Solstice. Happy Winter Solstice! :)

Ps: I am freezing here in Taiwan. Hahaaa
Saturday, December 15, 2012 - 0 comments

Our very first Overseas Trip! =)

Packed and ready!

Will be flying to taiwan in the morning tomorrow, can’t wait!

Bye malaysia! Goodbye gin, I will see you in 8 days time. <3

Updated @ LCCT airport; 9:47am :-
Our 8-days vacation begins! Go go go ;D
Thursday, December 6, 2012 - 0 comments

Life at client's...

Life with clients VS Life in office

The PK starts.. You better be ready. LOL

I love to be at client's place rather than working in office, especially when there's nothing for me to do.

Bored, scared to be found out by others that you are actually doing nothing, felt like a weirdo among the colleagues, guilty and so on. All the negative emotions make me can't breathe and am so fucking stressed.

Summore, I have to stuck in the jam for two hours to get back to home. Hate it to the max! *angry face*

It is totally a different story if I am at client's. I feel so FREE, in terms of everything. Flexible working hours, surfing net once you have finished with your work, chit-chatting with senior, facebook-ing, playing with your phone and blah blah blah. The most important is... I manage to reach home within 30 minutes from client's by just paying 2.20 bucks for toll.

However, this would also have to depend on what type of seniors you get to work with and where is your client.

For this engagement that I am allocated in now, I feel so thankful to have CHL as my senior and the client is based in Shah Alam. Thanks, NPM. =)
Sunday, November 25, 2012 - 0 comments

Free To Assist?

I will have no jobs starting from tomorrow onwards.

Sigh.. Suddenly I feel so afraid to be FTA and feel like taking MC tomorrow.

Just... don't feel like working. :(

I am a bad girl, am I?
Thursday, November 22, 2012 - 0 comments

Everything is FALLing into place =)

Heh heh.. I can say bye bye to this place soon.

I am almost done with what I am supposed to do. The rest all still pending from clients so it's not my fault and I don't think I have to be responsible for the delaying. ;)

Tomorrow, THE LAST DAY~! Hooray..

Ps: Hopefully I won't be in this stupid C's job again anymore. *blessing needed*

Temporary BF 暫時的男朋友 - Yen.J 嚴爵

How I wish I could have a temporary boyfie to accompany me now.. to kill my loneliness. Hahaa

Feel like falling in love with someone. God, grant me a perfect man please. ;)

Feeling lonely.

Hmm.. how should I describe my feelings now ahemm..?

I feel sad and bored for being alone here at client's place. Senior D, why you no come with me? *scream*

The loneliness is killing me slowly.

I have no ones to talk to or chit chat with unless I have questions to ask the clients.

But most of the time clients are busy with their own works so they don't have the free time to entertain me as well.

Friday, October 26, 2012 - 0 comments

I'm feeling tired and I'm not very happy...

這幾天, 生病的無力感, 和接踵而來的工作, 真的讓我很喘不過起來。

Peak period 都還沒開始, 我就已經覺得很累了, 這真的是我想要的生活嗎?


人生沒有目標, 活著到底有甚麼意義?

Sorry to say that but I'm just so tired of everything. =(
Sunday, October 21, 2012 - 0 comments

사랑은 눈꽃처럼 (Love Is Like Snow) - Nice Guy OST

I am totally, completely, addicted to this korean drama; Nice Guy and crazily in love with the lovely couple; Kang Maru & Seo Eun Gi. 

Aren't they the perfect match? =)

It's also quite enjoy listening to the OST above even though I don't actually understand what is the song singing about. Lol
Friday, October 5, 2012 - 0 comments

Amber - Loving You

我喜歡, 簡單的旋律!

Welcome home~! =)
We reached KL around 4pm yesterday but shihhhh.. don't tell anyone ya. Hahaa
Friday, September 28, 2012 - 0 comments

Happy Pre-Mooncake Festival to all & Happy Pre-Birthday Jiaying~!!!

A couple of days early, but I think I have to be here to wish all of you Happy Mooncake Day first just in case there's no internet connection in Terengganu. Yup TERENGGANU! I have to be away from the city tomorrow onwards for a week for the THP estate visit engagement. This will definitely be a new experience for me, but just that dunno whether I can survive and come back safely or not. Heh.. Ohhh yea, also wish myself a very PRE-HAPPY-BIRTHDAY~! Saeng-il-eul chughahabnida 

Snow Skin Durian Coulis (冰皮鮮榴槤) from TaiThong.
- Highly recommended to try as I like it a lot! -

I am not a fan of mooncakes but since I am crazy for durians & the promoter kept on telling us this is nice, this is special blah blah blah.. so Jen Ai and I decided to give it a try. Ohmy, that was great. Their durian coulis was really good with strong durian aroma and did you see the real durian meat? It makes me feel like eating it again now. Oh nom nom.. Hahaa

Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Recipe to celebrate my lunar birthday.
- The cake was a little too sweeeeet! -

Well, this coming Monday is my birthday and that will be my first time to celebrate it alone or maybe with my Malay and Indian colleagues out of the station. Anyway, I don't mind actually but I can predict that the day will be flooded with worksheets and vouchings since this is a rush job.

Lastly, before I forget, I shall thanks my parents for bringing me to this world.
Thank you so much and I love you, Papa & Mama. =)
Sunday, September 16, 2012 - 0 comments

Happie Malaysia Day~!

I dunno when they actually started to celebrate this Malaysia day which falls on 16th of September every year but I don't care because I get to have one extra bonus holiday. Heh

Heading to Johor later to visit my dad's second brother. Long journey..
Sunday, September 9, 2012 - , 0 comments

Baby Tonight - Will Pan

Wilber's new song ~ Baby Tonight

Love it so much. =)

Oh my one more working week before the holidays and my annual leaveeee~! Yes
Saturday, September 8, 2012 - , 0 comments

Amber 郭采潔 - 該忘了

我很喜歡這首歌; 不過我不喜歡這MV...
《向前走向愛走》還不錯看。感覺郭采潔飾演的晶晶, 無論是跟天澤(楊祐寧), 還是任偉(楊一展)都很配!好難選哦。。呵呵

靜靜翻閱著照片 重來不了的畫面
關上了燈的房間 無所謂你不在身邊
當愛情打烊之前 總要把傷心盤點
囤積太多的諾言 放太久過期不新鮮

原諒不必跟隨著抱歉 眼淚也不必為了紀念

是不是我們該忘了 最愛的一刻
找不回每次擁抱缺少的 溫熱
也許是我們該忘了 越在乎越忐忑
理智拉扯 情緒曲折 到底怎麼癒合

現在起我們該忘了 最愛的一刻
清空了心值不值得 依依不捨
最好是我們都忘了 期待是錯的

輕輕按下空白鍵 洗掉心中的思念
關上手機的電源 不再半夜為誰失眠
當愛情枯萎之前 再多灌溉都不對
養分太少而凋謝 不能責怪任何季節

原諒不必跟隨著抱歉 眼淚也不必為了紀念

是不是我們該忘了 最愛的一刻
找不回每次擁抱缺少的 溫熱
也許是我們該忘了 越在乎越忐忑
理智拉扯 情緒曲折 早就無法癒合

是不是我們該忘了 最當初的快樂
當一切寬容與配合 換來挫折
所以我們應該忘了 放手是好的
幸福很遠了 所以再見了
Friday, September 7, 2012 - 0 comments


I feel like telling something but I am just too lazy to blog now.

Anyway, congrats to myself for finally get all the confirmation stuff settled today. Yay

Good night and sweet dreams, xoxo. =)
Sunday, September 2, 2012 - 0 comments

Deep inside my heart.. ♥

This box of biscuits or snacks makes me think of the very first HK drama that I watched after the installation of Astro in my house.

It has been years ago. Now I know how sweet Jackie is to prepare such a thing for Paul. Thanks mum & I love you! 

Monday, hopefully it is a joyful day to start off the week. =) Bye weekend, see you again in another 5 more days, xoxo.

Ps: Just in case you dunno what drama I am actually talking about, here's the name of it ~ 《Healing Hands Season 1》.

Battleship: The battle for Earth begins at sea

Yea, I finally watched it, the BATTLESHIP, after a few months of waiting for the downloadable version.

I feel touched when this scene came across. This showed how the American and Japanese navies work together to get out from the mess and take down the alien enemy in the end. Bravo. =)

Despite the fact that I was a little confused because there are still things that didn't explain in the movie, this is still an exciting and worth-watching movie overall. I will rate this 4.5 out of 5 as the 0.5 marks is a minus for the reason that I don't really like action movies. =b

Now, what movies are worth to watch next..?
Saturday, September 1, 2012 - 0 comments


A photo editing app that I used to decorate my photos to make them cuter & more artistic. ;)

They have recently upgraded to version 2 and there are more pretty and nice frames and brushes can be downloaded from.

Like it as it is really easy to edit the photos using this app. 
Friday, August 31, 2012 - 0 comments

Crazy people because of the Jaspal crazy 70% markdown sales!

As is known to all that 31st of August is a public holiday for the whole Malaysia, thus Thursday will be the last working day of the week, hooray~!

Ahh.. I met my department HOD for my confirmation purposes. However, it was not as smooth as I thought cause I couldn't answer his questions and he asked me to go and find out the correct answers. Lol looks like I needa be more smart and alert on Monday when I see him again. Ma guai fan!

Jen Ai wanted to go shopping after five thirty since Jaspal is having storewide 70% markdown sales. Okay for me since I got nothing to do even if I go back home sharp. Teeheee

Headed to the outlet in One U. Too bad that there was no more size left for the jeans that she spotted. So I suggested why not we try another shopping mall as they might have the size that she wants.

In the end, we stuck in the jam for an hour plus to travel from Bandar Utama to Sunway Pyramid just to get a pair of jeans which worth 70 bucks after the crazy 70% discounts. Hahaaa we are really CRAZY! But ho-choi she got what she wants, so worth it la the time and the fuel we spent. *wink*

Simply walked around after that and feeling hungry. Since both of our mums already cooked us the dinner so we just got ourselves some snacks instead of the proper meal. We were looking at the directory board and finally decided to have something special which both of us also never eaten before. Lol sounds like we are the frogs at the bottom of a well. *bang the wall*

Seafood tempura (甜不辣) from Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks. It was actually quite good; crispy and soft inside, but just that it was a little too salty for me. =p

Heh.. our stomachs still feeling empty after having the above said tempura. So, second round we decided to go for the Crazy Potato which located in front of the cinema.

Our strawberry mayo. What I have to say is... this is really NICE! I love it sooooo much especially the strawberry sauce that they used. Potatoes are no longer just pairing with chillies. They can find themselves another couple if they want. Hahaaaa =) I am also interested in their crazy honey and crazy cheddars. Shall give them all a try during the next visit. *my mouth is drooling now*

Saw the caption under the hideous potato? "KEEP LONDON CLEAN".. They should change it to "KEEP MALAYSIA CLEAN" instead. We love Malaysia and one of the way to show that we love our country is not to throw the rubbish anywhere and anytime in order to keep our places clean. Malaysia, once again, happy 55th birthday to you.

Almost two now and it's the time to hit my lovely bed. Good night world. zZzzz xoxo

Happy Independence Day, Malaysia!

31st of August

Happy Birthday, Malaysia


Happy Independence Day to all Malaysians!

PS: A big big smile for no need to work today. Teeheeeee =)
Friday, August 24, 2012 - 0 comments

The little cutie...

I just love her so much as the days go by. *wink* She is just so cute! <3

Yay, it's Saturday again tomorrow. Hello, weekends. =)
May giving Antipodean's big breakfast a try in the morning, anyone interested? We shall meet up in our dreams later to deal with it. Hahaaaa
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 - 0 comments

GCB is back to rock my tongue!

I love burgers. And my all time favourite from McDeee is their special GCB which will only be served before or during raya. Oh my god, I love this so much until I can even eat this for my breakfast, lunch and dinner if I am allowed to. Heeheee, maybe I shall grab it once again for lunch tomorrow. I know it's crazy and it's actually quite fattening... but I just love it! =b
Sunday, August 12, 2012 - 0 comments


Best Friends Forever.

I wish I could have a real BFF too but I found it's a bit difficult for me to open my heart to others even my parents and my family.

Anyway, this is a nice song and the music video is cool! =)
Saturday, August 11, 2012 - 0 comments

陳勢安 - 再痛也沒關係

A very nice song by a Malaysian singer.

看不見 愛情消失 的痕跡
聽不見 心碎瞬間 的聲音

找不到 一個同情字句
來偽裝 這場大雨
被淋濕 的過去 得不到安息

抽一根 沒有溫度 的別離
寫一首 自以為 的悲情

等一個 預設的結局
好讓我 輸到最徹底

我們之間 丟下了
一個斷句 無法再繼續

我的心 被你懸在 到不了的天際
想念 瀰漫著空氣 快不能呼吸

一個人 背著幸福練習 擁抱 卻沒有力氣
你穿過 我的身體 回頭 卻來不及

我的心 被雨困在 揮不去的記憶
眼淚 蒸發了思緒 不讓我看清

兩個人 變成一種或許 等待 也顯得多餘
這份愛 早就已經麻痺 再痛也沒關係
Sunday, August 5, 2012 - 0 comments

So near, yet so far...

I gotta say he really did a very good job and gave his very best in that three games. He didn't or never felt nervous this time when he against Lin Dan. Just that he doesn't have the fate to own at least one gold medal from olympics. Anyway, he still win as every Malaysian is now proud of him and regards him as a hero. Well done Dato and don't have to say sorry. No gold, no free ice-cream, no public holiday is all not your fault. There's always chances in future. Never give up, beat Lin Dan and be the No. 1! Gambateh.

Cheer LCW! We are all very proud of you! =)
Sunday, July 8, 2012 - 0 comments

Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe

She's cute! And I like her hairstyle a lot! The song is addictive too, not to mention a funny video. Hahaaa

Goodbye my Sunday and good night peeps~! =)
Sunday, June 24, 2012 - 0 comments


My god they are back to where they supposed to be after nearly two years time.

I am still their fan and S.H.E will forever be my favourite idol group even though the heat and craziness for Ella has dropped. I swear!

Welcome back, my queens. It's time to rock 'n' roll again. =)
Saturday, June 23, 2012 - 0 comments

Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

Happy Dragon Boat Festival to all!

Hello guys, today is the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival and it's the time again to celebrate the day and enjoy our delicious dumplings. I am actually having mine now while waiting for my beloved S.H.E. Yummy yummy! =)
Friday, May 25, 2012 - 0 comments

What are you waiting for?

##Jiaying's waiting-for list as at 25th May 2012

My first pay from KPMG to be debited into my bank account.

To be confirmed by our head of department.

The time to pass fast so that I can complete the KH engagement and go back to the office.

The right and perfect man to appear in my life.

To realise my dream of purchasing a new house for my parents and myself.
Sunday, May 13, 2012 - 0 comments

Mama, I love you! =)

Happy Mother's Day to all mums in the world!

Especially my beloved mummy, thank you for bringing me up till today, I  you! *kiss-kiss*
Saturday, May 5, 2012 - 0 comments


Seriously, you will know I don't like action movies if you know me well, however, I was attracted by this poster and the slogan "The battle for earth begins at sea"! Yeng.

Really feel like watching it in the cinema, who is free to join me for this? Partner(s) needed! Lol
Thursday, May 3, 2012 - 0 comments

ONECARD Privileges+

Finally registered and got myself a one u card, for FREE! Hahaa

Curious about why was I getting it free? Just check it out with the Customer Service and they will let you know. Lol

So tomorrow will continue to park my car at the Dataran Car Park and only need to pay one buck for the parking fee. :)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012 - 0 comments

Happy Labor Day!

A great Tuesday has finally arrived. Happy Labor Day everyone!

Take this opportunity to relax and get a good rest before we start to fight for our dreams again tomorrow. :)
Friday, April 13, 2012 - 0 comments

Super Junior M - S.O.L.O.

I am officially fell in LOVE with Siwon after watching the drama leaded by him, Dafa and DongHae!

Overall, Skip-Beat! was just a so so drama if you really want me to tell the truth. But, the point is, it still successfully attracts my eyes in the end. Especially 始源和意涵的對手戲! Awesome :)

S.O.L.O... It makes me think of the boy that I fell in love with during Form 1... LOL

Okay, that's all for tonight. Happy Friday everyone! It's time to take some good rest before we can fully utilise our weekends. Good night :)
Monday, April 9, 2012 - , 0 comments


Yea, I finally received the call and emails from my second dream firm last Friday evening and they asked me to go for a medical check-up first before they can actually issue me their offer letter. Okay, so today, I have already tendered my resignation letter to both the HR personnel and my HOD of my current company. As for now, I still haven't have the chance to sit down and discuss with my boss yet about my resignation.

Talked to Alex, who is the head of HR team, he offered me a new employment package which is to work in Australia for a period of three years time. Getting about 3,600 bucks a month after converting into RM and live in my big boss's bungalow, drive his car and so on. The package looks attractive? I really have no idea. The salary is few hundreds more than what my second dream firm offers me, but, will the few hundreds enough to cover the lifestyle there? Also, can I stand the life without my parents, yewyew and my fellow friends?

Besides, I also received a call from RSM, should be asking me to go for interview but I asked the fella to call me back later as I was rushing to complete an urgent task. RSM, hmm.. heard from my friend that the salary offered is quite low. So.......

Urghhh... I hate making decisions, really! 拒絕時, 就全部一起拒絕; 該來的時候, 就全部一次過湧上來... Headache ah...
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - 0 comments

Interview with KPMG tomorrow.. wish me luck ya! :)

Going to have a group interview with KPMG again tomorrow noon.

I am very very nervous now. Will be very fish if I get rejected by the same company twice. So please wish me luck for tomorrow so that I can be very smooth in presenting and communicating with the interviewers!

Just believe in yourself and you can do it!
Good luck and gambateh, Jo!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - , 0 comments

120314 Happy White Day! ^^

White Valentine's Day!

It seems like not many people know about this special date. At least most of my colleagues don't know.

Received a shocking news after I came back from work, which is..... my brotha broke up with his girlfriend today. Oh no, damn shocking man! And it's actually unbelievable! I thought fattie is kidding with me until my mum and yewyew told me that it's true. Aiksss.. dunno what to say and I think third parties better don't voice up. Shihhhh.. keep our mouth shut!

Still considering whether should I get this also?

Signing off,
Feeling physically and mentally exhausted for work. :(
Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - 0 comments

Blue or pink?


Which colour sweeter and nicer for girls? I prefer blue one since I am a blue lover, but I felt that pink was quite pretty and cute too. So.... how?

Signing off,
Got the email from EY and I was rejected! Damn.. Not even give me a chance to go for an interview. Aiks..
Sunday, March 11, 2012 - 0 comments

Where will I be in my future?

Just sent my curriculum vitae to some of the accounting and audit firms. Hopefully will get some good news from them soon and wish that the interview process can be as smooth as it can. Don't be nervous and speak slowly, Jo, you can do it! Gambateh!
Saturday, March 10, 2012 - , , 0 comments


Me and my little cute Ginger~!
& of course not forgetting my mum who is at the back there. Hahaa

Supposed be preparing and getting ready to go for a trip to Bukit Cahaya with my colleagues at seven thirty later but I just SMS-ed Yuan Leng and told her that I am not joining. Wasted a chance to have fun with them since:

** I am gonna go and settle something fishy with Sunway-TES;
** my "relative" came and visited me yesterday; and
** I can't sleep well the whole night because of working OT and reaching home that late, headache now.

Signing off,
I hope I still manage to catch-up with <Hippocratic Crush> after settling all the non-sense things!
Thursday, March 8, 2012 - 0 comments

Gorgeous CHANEL design nails!


I wanna do this badly!

I hope these gorgeous babies are on my little fingers before my graduation ceremony!

So is there any pro nails stylist in Malaysia who can help me to fulfil this wish?

Monday, February 20, 2012 - 0 comments

Skip-Beat! Manga

Been watching this manga the whole night yesterday.

Watch until I kept fishing during working hours today. Tired ah. I think I better just stick with the drama version, manga is just not my cup of tea, I like words more than pictures. Siwon is handsome in the drama xD
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 - 0 comments

Happy Valentine's Day! ♥

Happy Valentine's Day! 情人節快樂!

One of my colleague from audit department received a bouquet of blue roses today. I feel quite envious actually, wondering when will I also have the chance to receive one? As for now, just a stalk of it for myself first. LOL

I guess this will be one of my happiest valentine's day ever in my life! Not that I finally found the right man but I am graduated, FINALLY! Hahaaa

Okay, done watching <Inborn Pair> and finished blogging. Time to rest and sweet dreams. Good night! :)
Saturday, February 11, 2012 - , , 0 comments

New start.







帶她一起上高高,冷的她直發抖!才發現,原來狗狗也是會怕冷的!姑姑還說他們不會呢!LOL 可憐的小傢伙!


PS: 我的心,好像比較偏向豬頭耶。。翔翔,你要加油囉!哈哈
Friday, January 6, 2012 - , , , 0 comments

S.H.E's coming back in 2012!

最近華研不知道怎麼了,一下子上傳了很多 S.H.E 以前的 MV。



Finished watching Inborn Pair EP19 & now waiting for Ex-boyfriend EP2. :)
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