Sunday, February 13, 2011 - 0 comments

My Valentine’s Present! ;)

Just came back from the dinner with 大舅公、大舅婆、小舅公、小舅婆 & grandma.

Had 盤菜 & 鯊魚湯。

Woot, only one abalone left; others all on uncles and aunties' plates already. So, that's mine! Spotted**

Hmm.. The 鯊魚湯 was not bad, but a bit too salty. As for the 盤菜, one word ~~ NICE, especially the prawns!

Wao.. Im super duper FULL now. :)

Went lowyat today and brought back this as my valentine's present! ;p

Thank you daddy! Loves you! Muacksss**

Results are coming out soon! Worries**
Also, PT1 is just around the corner too, I have not even get ready yet! Double worries**
Anyways, good luck to me! ^^


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