Wednesday, December 16, 2009 - , 0 comments


I'm not sure whether the answers I wrote are sufficient for me to get marks or not.
Hopefully they WERE because I'm not interested to repeat study those sections and cases law again next semester. It's really killing my brain cells!
Overall the paper was quite easy I think. I just left up one question which is about the audit/audit report one because I didn't really touch the topic.
Okay hopefully can pass but no need with flying colours la :)

Ouch, I think I'll fail this paper this time. *CHOY!*
Maybe I spent too much time on my law paper already so I've put aside this paper & underestimated it.
I felt that the questions are easy but I still cannot think of the solutions to solve them.
Even the theories part I also dunno what am I writing about.
I did the questions until I wanna cry; my tears are almost dropped during the last one and a half hours.
Haiz.. Dunno what to say now but I know I'll disappointed my parents again this time. Haiz..
The only thing can do now is making a wish to hope that I'm able to pass this paper! Bless me PLZ!

The last paper which ended at 6.20pm yesterday indicating that I'm free from now on for about less than two weeks I think.
Time passes so fast and with the ending of the examinations, I'm released from the second year of college lives and can take a fresh breath before continue to suffer starting next year.
Erm, I was stucked at the Q3-Statement of Movement of the NCA; what the xxxx, I dunno how to present my answers lar, it's so weird!
And then the Q4-All theories and I have no much time left, so, simply wrote all the things that I know.
I think I can still pass gua but maybe not exceeding 60marks lo :(

**I think the best I did is paper F4.**

Lastly, good luck for all those who are still having their exams and good luck for myself wishing that I won't faint when I saw my results on Feb next year :p


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