Thursday, October 28, 2010 - 0 comments

Top Ten Charity / ’10 Oct 16

May the angels be by your side and take good care of you.

Credits as tagged

每天都為妳祈禱祝福一次, 祝願妳早日康復!

那日子還很遙遠呢, 所以你千萬別放棄哦!加油!

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I almost forgot about this if daddy doesnt remind me to upload the photos to his FB. ;)

Top Ten Charity / '10 Oct 16, held at my primary school.

And and here's some photos of the day:

The tickets ~

The hall ~

Mama and meimei ~

Me and mei ~

Us ~

Credits: Yewyew ; the photographer and daddy's FB

More photos viewing please kindly move to:

There are around 450 photos but I only uploaded half of it..
Im so tired now and FB is so lag too. So... that's all for now la, next time only upload the rest, when Im free. ^^


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