Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - 0 comments

Let us all GAMBATEH together!! ~^^

Continue praying for Selina..

Credits to the owner

She has successfully completed her surgery and finally regained consciousness at 3pm yesterday.
I dunno what is 「清創手術/Debridement Surgery」, but never mind, as long as it can save S or reduce her pain then its okay.

~~心疼嗎? 愛你的人心當然會疼啊, 公主Selina, 你受了點傷, 你還是我的公主啊

Our Princess Selina, we all know that you are very strong and brave, please continue to fight with it, we will wait for you here, no matter how long it takes!
So S, jiayou!
And and, Ah Diong, Ren Ba Ren Ma, Ella, Hebe, Kirsten... all also needa jiayou together!

Btw, the 煙火師, 工作人員, even the director, all of them 下地獄吧!
  • 叫Selina穿絲襪, 最容易着火的, 難怪她的腳傷得最嚴重!She even cant wear mini skirt again for the rest of her life! Poor NaNa!
  • 一點安全措施也沒有, 不負責任兼草管人命!!至少負責滅火的水車也該有一輛吧?
  • 用汽油, 簡直是謀殺!!Dont they have some common sense? Didnt they know that its flammable?!
  • 事後工作人員憑空消失, 一個也沒受傷, 這根本就是預謀謀殺嘛!!!Why only Selina and Hao Ming are injured huh?!!!
  • 這麽危險的爆炸戯, 竟然沒有用替身, 這不是謀殺是什麽? 我不是說替身的命不是命, 只不過他們有經驗, 比較安全嘛!
  • 這麽危險的一場戯, 竟然沒有試爆就直接來, 導演是腦殘了, 還是原本就沒腦的?


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Im so tired!
Just came back from exercise with mummy. I cant even climb up the small hill in Gasing hill!

Must start doing exercise again, after a nearly half year rest!

OhMyGod, I really feel like wanna die now! Bang-the-wall-i.n.g.**

Arrrggghhh.... Im 65kg now! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

If I didnt stop exercising, I will not gained back the kgs!
If I didnt stop exercising, I must be a pretty girl now, not a big fat pig!
If I didnt stop exercising, even though Im not a pretty girl, I will still at below 58kg!
If I didnt stop exercising, I can continue wearing/sharing meimei's clothes, not like now, even my newly bought shorts are tight!

Gosh, NO!
No burgers, McD's ice-cream anymore!
No snacks, especially strawberry rocky biscuit stick!
No fried foods, but only water-boiled veges!

I must start exercising and eat less again from today onwards!
I must find back my motivation and confidence from now onwards!
I must not sitting down for computer after every meal that I had!
I must at least drink 10 cups of water, to prevent hunger and 清腸, per day!
I must at least lose 1kg in a 10-day-time, I hope so!

Selina, let us both GAMBATEH together!
You will trying hard to recover or maybe building up your confidence again and I will try my best to slim down, okay?
Jiayou, jiayou, jiayou! ^^


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