Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 0 comments

Okay, let's just make it short and simple.

Raya holiday is almost coming to an end and I've only a few days more to rest.

This has proven that, time really does fly when you're having fun.

My two weeks holiday arh, flied away already! *Sad*

Sunday, September 12, 2010 ;

Balik my primary school to do something in the morning.

This girl, super duper naughty, likes to grab the camera from me recently! 沒大沒小啊**

But thanks to her, daddy said he's gonna buy a new camera for us! Hahaha~ *Big smile*

After that, went to Dengkil to have lunch with my grandma.

東坡肉 is damn nice but due to raya, there's no 饅頭 to eat with it! -.-

Below are some of the photos that we took in the car during the short journey ~~>

Obviously we were cam-slutting again *Shy*

Finished our lunch, went back to KL then and headed to Subang Parade for the first time, at least for me, 'cause there's nothing in my memories that tell me I went there before.

Cute DiGi-man! ^^

Nice shot from a so called pro-camera-girl -.-
p\s: She said she is but...... I don't think so lo! 

Can't guess what I'm doing right?

I was waving my hands to my mum and grandma! Swt bah?


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