Tuesday, September 7, 2010 - 0 comments

Cheese Naan Bread

Went to a mamak stall @ Bukit Jalil there to have our dinner on Sunday(04/09/10).

&& I just knew that there's one type of roti called cheese naan bread. *孤陋寡聞; 井底之蛙!*

Anyway it tastes good! <3

Naan Cheese~ yum yum!

Credits: Google Image

So now I know, next time if I went to mamak again I'll only order:

•  roti telur bawang + teh tarik (as usual)


•  roti telur bawang + teh o ais limau (new combination)


•  roti cheese naan + teh o ais limau (new comb.)


•  roti cheese naan + teh tarik (new comb.)


Finally completed CH10 of Beauty Knows No Pain!
Moving on to CH11 now..
Aiks, dunno when can I finish the whole drama oh?! LOL
Stupid internet!



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