Thursday, September 23, 2010 - 0 comments


你的心有一道牆  但我發現一扇窗
就算你有一道牆  我的愛會攀上窗臺盛放
打開窗你會看到悲傷融化  你會聞到幸福晴朗的芬芳

由一個叫Bae Fong的新人所演唱!
郭靜在2009年翻唱, 因爲覺得MV拍得還不錯, 所以就放她的版本啦~
不過我本人還是比較喜歡原版的啦, 因爲那比較有味道, 也比較有感覺!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 - 0 comments

月餅和柚子, 中秋少不了!

Finally the rain stops!


I personally dont like mooncakes that much, but Im crazy for pamelo!

Although its not as juicy as those oranges,

&& tastes a bit bitter sometimes,

I just love it so much, for no reasons!

My favourite ▼

Was wondering when can I actually finish the whole series of Beauty Knows No Pain?
I wanna start watching Gossip Girl Season 4 la!!

-- Jiaying.

中秋節快樂! ~~月圓人團圓 ^^

It's Mid-Autumn Festival today!

15th day of the 8th month according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

Most of the Chinese families and friends will be gathering for dinner and fellowship together :)

Me too!

Just having a simple dinner with family; no tang-lung 'cause Im a big girl already! ;p

Two days before this festival ~~the 13th day, was my Chinese lunar birthday!

So I was partially 21-year-old lo; considered as big girl bah!?

Anyway, Chinese birthday is not so important to me 'cause I have never celebrated the day before.

&& my 1001 is coming soon!!

That's when I will celebrate my big day! ^^

Really can't wait for my birthday cake!


Okay, it's raining now, need to off computer lo, so once again, I wish all of you a...


Waiting for the sky to turn black so that I can meet Mr.Moon!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - 0 comments


Plum, 一種比蘋果好吃的水果! 酸酸的滋味, 我愛慘了! ^^

這位小姐, 不好意思, 請問...您, 是在扮周董嗎? 也太不像了吧!? 哈哈

這只是飯後甜點, 我們今天晚餐吃蟹飯, 有大大只的螃蟹, 狠好吃哦! 只可惜沒照片, 因爲等我去到飯廳的時候, 他們已經開始在吃了! 可惡!! 都不等我的!

假期快要結束了! 倒數1天...

Signing off,
Jiaying. ♥
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - , 0 comments

《你太猖狂》 MV

To Hebe's third music video, released by HIM Taiwan.

One of my favourite song -- “ 你太猖狂 ”.

Besides Hebe, Ella has also confirmed that she will begin filming for her new movie next month! Yay!
So far, there's no much information available for the movie but anyway, at least I know her movie is coming soon!

Fahrenheit’s new mv, “Cherish Your Heartache”

Fahrenheit's second single from Super Hot -- “ 心疼妳的心疼 ”.

總是在夜深人靜想一個人  妳留給我的回憶  映著月光更深刻
如果說後悔可以殺一個人  我已經為妳死掉  多少次了呢

妳的淚痕  妳默默忍耐過的寒冷  我現在才懂得

心疼妳的心疼  想緊緊把妳抱著  去彌補從前所有不完整
讓我讓妳快樂  為妳的微笑負責  承諾過的未來還在等  等我們的愛重生

時間是一道不能反轉的門  那時的年少輕狂  如今想來多殘忍
只不過這個世上沒有一本  能夠教我們如何  相愛的手冊

再也不會讓妳受傷了  我已完全明白愛能教人心多疼
這次換我等  換我為妳犧牲  讓我守護著妳   跟我一起走過時間的河

Wah, Chun is so handsome, always but not just in this mv!
Yup, it's finally his turn to be the main lead of Fahrenheit's music videos!
Hmm.. I feel that WuChun has improved greatly in his acting and singing lo, at least I can hear him singing clearly in this song.
The storyline of the mv was good, too!
I just fell in love with him all over again.
Monday, September 13, 2010 - , 0 comments

Cam-slut part 3

Thursday, September 09, 2010 ;

No electric for half of the day so bro, meimei and I went out to hunt for dessert.

100-yen @ SS2.

Then, paid a visit to The Gardens Mall at night.

Pinky bear bear!

Daddy bought another new hp again!! 有錢佬**

I asked him to give me his Iphone but he rejected me!! 吝嗇佬**

Never mind la, my new camera... is coming soon!

A smiley face!

The whole sky has only two stars?

It's late!
Time to hit my bed le!
Good nightz & sweet dreams~

Okay, let's just make it short and simple. ~~ part 2

Saturday, September 11, 2010 ;


Mega sale is going to end soon but I only grabbed one shorts from Esprit during this opportunity. *Sad face*

I spotted a pair of hot boots from Charles & Keith but mummy don't let me to bring it home 'cause she said it's too high wor! Another big *SAD FACE*!

Isn't it nice?

Great shot of the day!

Pro-camera-girl, captured all of us in one goal!

Okay la, that's it for Saturday!
Lazy to upload le...
Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 0 comments

Okay, let's just make it short and simple.

Raya holiday is almost coming to an end and I've only a few days more to rest.

This has proven that, time really does fly when you're having fun.

My two weeks holiday arh, flied away already! *Sad*

Sunday, September 12, 2010 ;

Balik my primary school to do something in the morning.

This girl, super duper naughty, likes to grab the camera from me recently! 沒大沒小啊**

But thanks to her, daddy said he's gonna buy a new camera for us! Hahaha~ *Big smile*

After that, went to Dengkil to have lunch with my grandma.

東坡肉 is damn nice but due to raya, there's no 饅頭 to eat with it! -.-

Below are some of the photos that we took in the car during the short journey ~~>

Obviously we were cam-slutting again *Shy*

Finished our lunch, went back to KL then and headed to Subang Parade for the first time, at least for me, 'cause there's nothing in my memories that tell me I went there before.

Cute DiGi-man! ^^

Nice shot from a so called pro-camera-girl -.-
p\s: She said she is but...... I don't think so lo! 

Can't guess what I'm doing right?

I was waving my hands to my mum and grandma! Swt bah?
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