Wednesday, August 11, 2010 - , 0 comments

LOVE! ~ 田馥甄

I have a new song for you~
* p\s: slogan copied from My FM *

Simple lyrics + Simple melody = A simple new song

<LOVE>; from Hebe Tien, ei, wait... she is not Hebe anymore, is 田馥甄!

Now SEI lo.
Hebe's first solo album:
  • 18/08  Pre-order
  • 03/09  Officially release
Fahrenheit's 4th album is coming soon too, around September bah I think?
Some of them said is on the same date with Hebe's one wor, dunno leh!?

Aiyo, dunno which to buy! Only Hebe's or only Fei's? Both or none of them?
I have no money la!! Scream**

Feeling better now =)
Yesterday... ate three biji of oranges, few piece of 柚子, drank five++ cups of 涼茶 and lots of water.
But, it seemed like they are useless to me! x(
My condition turned even worst after sending meimei to tuition at eight something.
Fever, flu, sore throat, dry cough, body ache and a bit dizzy. So XIN KU man!
Hor... luckily Im getting better now~! Claps** ;p

Uncle Liew came to my house and did some renovation again.
He asked a funny question just like others;
" These two girls('cuz only meimei and I were stayed at home), who is the eldest arh? "
&& I was like HUH? AGAIN? Do I really looked so childish or what? 無解**

Puasa starts today, so tomorrow my class is gonna start earlier and end earlier too! YAY**

Jiaying (:


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