Sunday, August 22, 2010 - 0 comments


Went to Klang for our breakfast ~ bah-kut-teh after exercise with family.
Something happened to me when I was so busy eating my stuff and I was actually not the first to realize. Fish fish**

Haiz, nose bleeding again!
Meimei, who sitting beside me is the one who screamed loudly. LOL
" Jie, your nose is bleeding eh! "... WTH! I dont even know there's liquid coming out from my nose!
So I was like... " Huh? " for a minute, baru then I screamed out loud too " Tissue! Tissue! ... " ; like a crazy fella!

WTFreak?! This stupid friend always come after me when I was eating!
I really dunno why she likes those time when I was having my food? I didnt use my nose to eat what!?
可惡! 討厭! Sometimes it really ruined my mood to eat you know?!

p\s: staying at home; no shopping is sooo boring!

Oh ya,
<Bird>, which is a song composed by Ella is really really nice!!
Not only me, the big fans of S.H.E, but even my meimei also said its nice, especially the melody!!
Hahaha~ XiaoBaWang, jiayou!


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