Saturday, January 24, 2009 - 0 comments

night owl · ying

i wanna buy e-pop!!
long time didn't buy magazine edy..
just now read from CE..
the latest version of e-pop..
contained S.H.E angpau and FLH's poster..
rarely seen they hug together to take photo de..
i meant FLH la..
damn kacak man..
super duper yêng arh..
love them so much~
S.H.E's 1 is not that special la..
just used the top girl's pic and paste on the angpau only..
stupid magazine..
dunno how to find some more lovely or beautiful pics meh??!
ba-lia de..

rozi is quite 'friendly' and happy today..
in fact, she is very happy everyday dé..
there r so many ppl absent from the class today..
to us ~ those who present..
she said v r the one who want to gt closer with P..
tat means v wanna pass and score la..
so she didn't call ppl to answer ques lor..
but the condition is..
the whole class must answer together when she asked ques..
and 100% concentrate on the important ques..
and this is for tutorial 1 only..

nth to do now..
waiting for the torrent of MIT..
actually i have finished watching all eps..
but i still wanna watch it once again every week..
from 民視版..
because it is too nice edy..

need to wash my car tomoro..
cny mah..
so the car must also be clean clean de..
but i'm quite lazy to do so..
because i always need 1hr++ to clean it de..
damn tired de ma..
and den still need to help mummy to wash her car leh..
luckily dad's one is not at house..
his car very sensitive 1..
if i touch the sensitive part accidentally..
the alarm will ring automatically..
den a message of 'door trigger' or something else..
will be sent to daddy, mummy and my hp..
byk bising de..


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