Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 0 comments


i think i’m totally stupid de..
the highway tat i usually use to go to college..
til now only i knew its name..
臭 daddy la..
having a dinner in melaka tonight..
he wanna go there straight away after work..
and it’s dangerous to drive estima along the highway..
so he need to use my car lor..
of course i’m not going to take risk of driving his car..
because his car gt no handbrake 1..
if anything happened or i couldn’t brake immediately..
den the car and my life gone d la..
actually, gt handbrake oso cant helps a lot la..
because there is nobody sitting beside me ma..
den who is going to help me to stop the car wor?!
next it is too big for me la..
parking is another problem too..
if someone else see me driving this car and den wanna rob me den how??
daddy sent me to college at 6.50~7am..
i reached sunway at around 10 mins later..
i’m the first today but the lt haven open yet..
the guard dunno why his action was so slow today..
only came at 7.35am and opened the door..
i’m waiting outside with others for almost half an hr..
geram la..
at first i thought i can take a nap b4 class start de..
miss voonsia was teaching linear programming and limiting factor..
v learned lp b4 in form 5..
add. maths..
so it is quite familiar and interesting..
it is not enough graph paper to draw graph..
voonsia said brought one is enough d..
so i found one hardly in between add. maths ex papers..
but it is still not enough..
swt =.=’
class ended at 11am..
i folo lisan’s car back because mummy said she can’t fetch me wór..
luckily lisan dun mind for fetching me back..
perhaps v can take turn to fetch each other..
to save cost ma..
rm3.20/day for toll is too costly d..
and den plus the petrol leh..
lazy to think abt it now..
i’m really very very tired..
went to bed and sleep directly after i reached home..
still feel very tired now although i slept for quite long..
and i think i couldn’t sleep at night d de la..
den tomoro sure will ‘釣魚’ in class de..
especially in F4′s class..
corporate and biz law..
dunno why..
i always will start to doze off when miss pushpa start talking..
mayb she has the power to hypnotize ppl gua..
i still have many h/ws need to do..
need to finish it up today..
if not tomoro i’ll not have time to finish it..
den miss rozi will say a lot、a lot and a lot de..
fan arh..

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│ 25%▉▉▉                                     │
└ ———————————————— ┘
plz wait, computing tax ques……


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