Sunday, January 6, 2013 - 0 comments


喝咖啡 聊過去是是非非
都沒變 還是圓著一張臉
時間怎麼長 思念就怎麼唱

擁抱那麼真切 眼神不曾改變
今天不說再見 不讓你有機會食言
就算分隔很遠 愛 一直連接 到永遠

回憶播放 在眼前
好久不見 好想念

記得那年夏天 笑容天真無邪
記得那個深夜 心疼你哭紅了臉 來
來我懷裡歇歇 牽 牽你的手 到永遠

Tuesday, January 1, 2013 - 0 comments

Let's put a mask on the eyes. Piak~

Never tried doing mask before so this is surely the first time in my life. Okie, let's start with the eyes first. Heh

Envie De Neuf Thalasso-Decompress Eye Mask.

Got them for free during my trip to Taiwan. My eyes feel quite refreshing after the 15 minutes spa treatment. Heeheee will definitely pamper myself again next time. ;)

Oh btw, peak will start tomorrow and hopefully I will be able to survive throughout this period. Jiayou ^^

Happy New Year 2013!

May the stars carry shine upon you,

may the flowers fill your heart with beauty,

may hope forever wipe away your tears,

may you achieve all that you wish for,

may this New Year be wonderful! Have a great 2013 ahead! =)

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