Friday, October 26, 2012 - 0 comments

I'm feeling tired and I'm not very happy...

這幾天, 生病的無力感, 和接踵而來的工作, 真的讓我很喘不過起來。

Peak period 都還沒開始, 我就已經覺得很累了, 這真的是我想要的生活嗎?


人生沒有目標, 活著到底有甚麼意義?

Sorry to say that but I'm just so tired of everything. =(
Sunday, October 21, 2012 - 0 comments

사랑은 눈꽃처럼 (Love Is Like Snow) - Nice Guy OST

I am totally, completely, addicted to this korean drama; Nice Guy and crazily in love with the lovely couple; Kang Maru & Seo Eun Gi. 

Aren't they the perfect match? =)

It's also quite enjoy listening to the OST above even though I don't actually understand what is the song singing about. Lol
Friday, October 5, 2012 - 0 comments

Amber - Loving You

我喜歡, 簡單的旋律!

Welcome home~! =)
We reached KL around 4pm yesterday but shihhhh.. don't tell anyone ya. Hahaa
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