Friday, September 28, 2012 - 0 comments

Happy Pre-Mooncake Festival to all & Happy Pre-Birthday Jiaying~!!!

A couple of days early, but I think I have to be here to wish all of you Happy Mooncake Day first just in case there's no internet connection in Terengganu. Yup TERENGGANU! I have to be away from the city tomorrow onwards for a week for the THP estate visit engagement. This will definitely be a new experience for me, but just that dunno whether I can survive and come back safely or not. Heh.. Ohhh yea, also wish myself a very PRE-HAPPY-BIRTHDAY~! Saeng-il-eul chughahabnida 

Snow Skin Durian Coulis (冰皮鮮榴槤) from TaiThong.
- Highly recommended to try as I like it a lot! -

I am not a fan of mooncakes but since I am crazy for durians & the promoter kept on telling us this is nice, this is special blah blah blah.. so Jen Ai and I decided to give it a try. Ohmy, that was great. Their durian coulis was really good with strong durian aroma and did you see the real durian meat? It makes me feel like eating it again now. Oh nom nom.. Hahaa

Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Recipe to celebrate my lunar birthday.
- The cake was a little too sweeeeet! -

Well, this coming Monday is my birthday and that will be my first time to celebrate it alone or maybe with my Malay and Indian colleagues out of the station. Anyway, I don't mind actually but I can predict that the day will be flooded with worksheets and vouchings since this is a rush job.

Lastly, before I forget, I shall thanks my parents for bringing me to this world.
Thank you so much and I love you, Papa & Mama. =)
Sunday, September 16, 2012 - 0 comments

Happie Malaysia Day~!

I dunno when they actually started to celebrate this Malaysia day which falls on 16th of September every year but I don't care because I get to have one extra bonus holiday. Heh

Heading to Johor later to visit my dad's second brother. Long journey..
Sunday, September 9, 2012 - , 0 comments

Baby Tonight - Will Pan

Wilber's new song ~ Baby Tonight

Love it so much. =)

Oh my one more working week before the holidays and my annual leaveeee~! Yes
Saturday, September 8, 2012 - , 0 comments

Amber 郭采潔 - 該忘了

我很喜歡這首歌; 不過我不喜歡這MV...
《向前走向愛走》還不錯看。感覺郭采潔飾演的晶晶, 無論是跟天澤(楊祐寧), 還是任偉(楊一展)都很配!好難選哦。。呵呵

靜靜翻閱著照片 重來不了的畫面
關上了燈的房間 無所謂你不在身邊
當愛情打烊之前 總要把傷心盤點
囤積太多的諾言 放太久過期不新鮮

原諒不必跟隨著抱歉 眼淚也不必為了紀念

是不是我們該忘了 最愛的一刻
找不回每次擁抱缺少的 溫熱
也許是我們該忘了 越在乎越忐忑
理智拉扯 情緒曲折 到底怎麼癒合

現在起我們該忘了 最愛的一刻
清空了心值不值得 依依不捨
最好是我們都忘了 期待是錯的

輕輕按下空白鍵 洗掉心中的思念
關上手機的電源 不再半夜為誰失眠
當愛情枯萎之前 再多灌溉都不對
養分太少而凋謝 不能責怪任何季節

原諒不必跟隨著抱歉 眼淚也不必為了紀念

是不是我們該忘了 最愛的一刻
找不回每次擁抱缺少的 溫熱
也許是我們該忘了 越在乎越忐忑
理智拉扯 情緒曲折 早就無法癒合

是不是我們該忘了 最當初的快樂
當一切寬容與配合 換來挫折
所以我們應該忘了 放手是好的
幸福很遠了 所以再見了
Friday, September 7, 2012 - 0 comments


I feel like telling something but I am just too lazy to blog now.

Anyway, congrats to myself for finally get all the confirmation stuff settled today. Yay

Good night and sweet dreams, xoxo. =)
Sunday, September 2, 2012 - 0 comments

Deep inside my heart.. ♥

This box of biscuits or snacks makes me think of the very first HK drama that I watched after the installation of Astro in my house.

It has been years ago. Now I know how sweet Jackie is to prepare such a thing for Paul. Thanks mum & I love you! 

Monday, hopefully it is a joyful day to start off the week. =) Bye weekend, see you again in another 5 more days, xoxo.

Ps: Just in case you dunno what drama I am actually talking about, here's the name of it ~ 《Healing Hands Season 1》.

Battleship: The battle for Earth begins at sea

Yea, I finally watched it, the BATTLESHIP, after a few months of waiting for the downloadable version.

I feel touched when this scene came across. This showed how the American and Japanese navies work together to get out from the mess and take down the alien enemy in the end. Bravo. =)

Despite the fact that I was a little confused because there are still things that didn't explain in the movie, this is still an exciting and worth-watching movie overall. I will rate this 4.5 out of 5 as the 0.5 marks is a minus for the reason that I don't really like action movies. =b

Now, what movies are worth to watch next..?
Saturday, September 1, 2012 - 0 comments


A photo editing app that I used to decorate my photos to make them cuter & more artistic. ;)

They have recently upgraded to version 2 and there are more pretty and nice frames and brushes can be downloaded from.

Like it as it is really easy to edit the photos using this app. 
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