Friday, August 31, 2012 - 0 comments

Crazy people because of the Jaspal crazy 70% markdown sales!

As is known to all that 31st of August is a public holiday for the whole Malaysia, thus Thursday will be the last working day of the week, hooray~!

Ahh.. I met my department HOD for my confirmation purposes. However, it was not as smooth as I thought cause I couldn't answer his questions and he asked me to go and find out the correct answers. Lol looks like I needa be more smart and alert on Monday when I see him again. Ma guai fan!

Jen Ai wanted to go shopping after five thirty since Jaspal is having storewide 70% markdown sales. Okay for me since I got nothing to do even if I go back home sharp. Teeheee

Headed to the outlet in One U. Too bad that there was no more size left for the jeans that she spotted. So I suggested why not we try another shopping mall as they might have the size that she wants.

In the end, we stuck in the jam for an hour plus to travel from Bandar Utama to Sunway Pyramid just to get a pair of jeans which worth 70 bucks after the crazy 70% discounts. Hahaaa we are really CRAZY! But ho-choi she got what she wants, so worth it la the time and the fuel we spent. *wink*

Simply walked around after that and feeling hungry. Since both of our mums already cooked us the dinner so we just got ourselves some snacks instead of the proper meal. We were looking at the directory board and finally decided to have something special which both of us also never eaten before. Lol sounds like we are the frogs at the bottom of a well. *bang the wall*

Seafood tempura (甜不辣) from Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks. It was actually quite good; crispy and soft inside, but just that it was a little too salty for me. =p

Heh.. our stomachs still feeling empty after having the above said tempura. So, second round we decided to go for the Crazy Potato which located in front of the cinema.

Our strawberry mayo. What I have to say is... this is really NICE! I love it sooooo much especially the strawberry sauce that they used. Potatoes are no longer just pairing with chillies. They can find themselves another couple if they want. Hahaaaa =) I am also interested in their crazy honey and crazy cheddars. Shall give them all a try during the next visit. *my mouth is drooling now*

Saw the caption under the hideous potato? "KEEP LONDON CLEAN".. They should change it to "KEEP MALAYSIA CLEAN" instead. We love Malaysia and one of the way to show that we love our country is not to throw the rubbish anywhere and anytime in order to keep our places clean. Malaysia, once again, happy 55th birthday to you.

Almost two now and it's the time to hit my lovely bed. Good night world. zZzzz xoxo

Happy Independence Day, Malaysia!

31st of August

Happy Birthday, Malaysia


Happy Independence Day to all Malaysians!

PS: A big big smile for no need to work today. Teeheeeee =)
Friday, August 24, 2012 - 0 comments

The little cutie...

I just love her so much as the days go by. *wink* She is just so cute! <3

Yay, it's Saturday again tomorrow. Hello, weekends. =)
May giving Antipodean's big breakfast a try in the morning, anyone interested? We shall meet up in our dreams later to deal with it. Hahaaaa
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 - 0 comments

GCB is back to rock my tongue!

I love burgers. And my all time favourite from McDeee is their special GCB which will only be served before or during raya. Oh my god, I love this so much until I can even eat this for my breakfast, lunch and dinner if I am allowed to. Heeheee, maybe I shall grab it once again for lunch tomorrow. I know it's crazy and it's actually quite fattening... but I just love it! =b
Sunday, August 12, 2012 - 0 comments


Best Friends Forever.

I wish I could have a real BFF too but I found it's a bit difficult for me to open my heart to others even my parents and my family.

Anyway, this is a nice song and the music video is cool! =)
Saturday, August 11, 2012 - 0 comments

陳勢安 - 再痛也沒關係

A very nice song by a Malaysian singer.

看不見 愛情消失 的痕跡
聽不見 心碎瞬間 的聲音

找不到 一個同情字句
來偽裝 這場大雨
被淋濕 的過去 得不到安息

抽一根 沒有溫度 的別離
寫一首 自以為 的悲情

等一個 預設的結局
好讓我 輸到最徹底

我們之間 丟下了
一個斷句 無法再繼續

我的心 被你懸在 到不了的天際
想念 瀰漫著空氣 快不能呼吸

一個人 背著幸福練習 擁抱 卻沒有力氣
你穿過 我的身體 回頭 卻來不及

我的心 被雨困在 揮不去的記憶
眼淚 蒸發了思緒 不讓我看清

兩個人 變成一種或許 等待 也顯得多餘
這份愛 早就已經麻痺 再痛也沒關係
Sunday, August 5, 2012 - 0 comments

So near, yet so far...

I gotta say he really did a very good job and gave his very best in that three games. He didn't or never felt nervous this time when he against Lin Dan. Just that he doesn't have the fate to own at least one gold medal from olympics. Anyway, he still win as every Malaysian is now proud of him and regards him as a hero. Well done Dato and don't have to say sorry. No gold, no free ice-cream, no public holiday is all not your fault. There's always chances in future. Never give up, beat Lin Dan and be the No. 1! Gambateh.

Cheer LCW! We are all very proud of you! =)
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