Friday, April 13, 2012 - 0 comments

Super Junior M - S.O.L.O.

I am officially fell in LOVE with Siwon after watching the drama leaded by him, Dafa and DongHae!

Overall, Skip-Beat! was just a so so drama if you really want me to tell the truth. But, the point is, it still successfully attracts my eyes in the end. Especially 始源和意涵的對手戲! Awesome :)

S.O.L.O... It makes me think of the boy that I fell in love with during Form 1... LOL

Okay, that's all for tonight. Happy Friday everyone! It's time to take some good rest before we can fully utilise our weekends. Good night :)
Monday, April 9, 2012 - , 0 comments


Yea, I finally received the call and emails from my second dream firm last Friday evening and they asked me to go for a medical check-up first before they can actually issue me their offer letter. Okay, so today, I have already tendered my resignation letter to both the HR personnel and my HOD of my current company. As for now, I still haven't have the chance to sit down and discuss with my boss yet about my resignation.

Talked to Alex, who is the head of HR team, he offered me a new employment package which is to work in Australia for a period of three years time. Getting about 3,600 bucks a month after converting into RM and live in my big boss's bungalow, drive his car and so on. The package looks attractive? I really have no idea. The salary is few hundreds more than what my second dream firm offers me, but, will the few hundreds enough to cover the lifestyle there? Also, can I stand the life without my parents, yewyew and my fellow friends?

Besides, I also received a call from RSM, should be asking me to go for interview but I asked the fella to call me back later as I was rushing to complete an urgent task. RSM, hmm.. heard from my friend that the salary offered is quite low. So.......

Urghhh... I hate making decisions, really! 拒絕時, 就全部一起拒絕; 該來的時候, 就全部一次過湧上來... Headache ah...
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