Monday, February 20, 2012 - 0 comments

Skip-Beat! Manga

Been watching this manga the whole night yesterday.

Watch until I kept fishing during working hours today. Tired ah. I think I better just stick with the drama version, manga is just not my cup of tea, I like words more than pictures. Siwon is handsome in the drama xD
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 - 0 comments

Happy Valentine's Day! ♥

Happy Valentine's Day! 情人節快樂!

One of my colleague from audit department received a bouquet of blue roses today. I feel quite envious actually, wondering when will I also have the chance to receive one? As for now, just a stalk of it for myself first. LOL

I guess this will be one of my happiest valentine's day ever in my life! Not that I finally found the right man but I am graduated, FINALLY! Hahaaa

Okay, done watching <Inborn Pair> and finished blogging. Time to rest and sweet dreams. Good night! :)
Saturday, February 11, 2012 - , , 0 comments

New start.







帶她一起上高高,冷的她直發抖!才發現,原來狗狗也是會怕冷的!姑姑還說他們不會呢!LOL 可憐的小傢伙!


PS: 我的心,好像比較偏向豬頭耶。。翔翔,你要加油囉!哈哈
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