Monday, April 25, 2011 - 0 comments

Goldfish memory! LOL

It has been a while since my last blog…

Hmm.. Not that I don’t wanna update but………. I FORGOT MY USERNAME TO LOG ON INTO THIS BLOG!!!!! *Memang swt la!*

Gosh.. I have a very serious short-term memory power just like a goldfish! I can’t even remember my username for this blog & so I can’t log on to my blog till now. Lol Luckily my password is the same for all of my online stuff except for the ACCA account. If not, I don’t think I can remember all of them & even my myACCA passcode, I have also marked it down in my handphone! But huh, there's no big deal if we forgot the password, b'coz we can simply just email ACCA and request for a new one. Heee.. I always did that. Hahaa..

Aiyo, I am sooooo BORING here! Classmates are having their mock exam now but I am sitting in front of this computer and doing nothing. *Bingo* I S.K.I.P.P.E.D. T.H.E. M.O.C.K E.X.A.M.! ;P
I told my mum that I'll be having exam now and it's 3+ hours long, so, I am stuck at college here and cannot go home. Kesian hor? ):

Found a nice song from YouTube. <金魚的眼淚> by Blue J
是因爲潘瑋柏才認識了他, 紀佳松; Blue J。新專輯很不錯哦!他的嗓音也很好聽!感覺他們倆的風格好像哦!不過我還是比較喜歡Weibo啦!^^

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