Friday, January 1, 2010 - 0 comments

NY ~ 2010

I cannot predict that how would my life been during this new year; but one thing that I can very sure is.... I will be so busy and exhausted for my studies! This could be the last year of my ACCA life if and only if I'm so lucky to pass all of the remaining papers in one goal. Hope that I really can make it~

By achieving this, day one study approach should be taken since every lecturer keeps telling us the same stuff which to start studying and revising from the very first day of semester. I will try my best to reduce or cut down my computer playing time and try hard to improve my memory power.

Let's see whether this approach will be effective or not for this coming June examination! Hopefully it can :)

Next, I really hope that I can travel to Taiwan this year. I'd probably moving to overseas to continue my studies for Masters program after completing my ACCA part 3 here. In fact I had long thought about trying to live and study overseas and there are a million reasons to aspire to a life in UK such as good environment; moderate climate; and maybe can improve my self-confidence and independence too :) Although my English is so poor and I am so shy to speak English in public, if I went there then there's no choice for me but to use English to communicate with those others. Some more the most important thing is to meet with some new people and wish they can keep on speaking perfect English to me without stupid content and making fun of my English. So now I am used to talk to strangers rather than my friends because they are the one who I didn't know them and they didn't know me. They maybe will laugh at me but surely will forget it later because I mean nothing to them mah, right?! But if the situation change, that can make me feel bad about myself and destroy my self-esteem! Anyway, things won't happen overnight include my language, it takes time and maybe a whole life to practice and keep improving ourselves.

Oh ya, my Taiwan trip!! I am working so hard now to slim down and get prettier so that I can buy a lots of nice dresses when I actually travel to Taiwan xD I have also made a promise to my sis to wear bikini together with her when we go surfing in KenTing. I should honor it and must fulfill it as well! Hmmm... A lot of yummy foods I want to eat too~ I am almost drooling now ;p HeeHee~ Daddy said he will sponsor me if I complete my ACCA this year. So I will put more efforts to get my reward ^.* HaHaHa~

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