Monday, May 4, 2015 - 0 comments

喜 • 欢



Sunday, February 17, 2013 - 0 comments

A Chinese Fairy Tale

LOL I know I was a bit outdated hahaa..

Watched this from astro this afternoon since I don't need to work today. It's my cup of tea I must say coz romantic films are my all time favourite. Heh

Both of them also I will pick as my boyfriends if I were her. Heeheee

Ps: Am waiting to BAI THNI KONG. I wanna sleep. zZzzz *.^
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 - 0 comments

Happy Chinese New Year!

恭喜發財, 萬事如意, 身體健康, 大吉大利, 笑口常開, 出入平安. 蛇年行大運! 新年快樂! 恭喜恭喜! :)
Sunday, February 10, 2013 - 0 comments

Another three more red packets...! ^.*

Besides giving away angpows to parents, there's another three lucky fella get to collect my red packets as well.

Ps: Don't ask me to give you angpow as I'm still not married yet. Hahaaa

Gong Xi Fai Cai..! HUATTTTT AHHHHH..!=)

One for Mummy, One for Daddy =)

Even though this is not the first year giving out angpows to them, but I still feel very very excited. Heeheee =D

Daddy mummy, I love you! I don't think I can live if without you two. I feel warm and I did enjoy the moments you're still awake & waiting for me when I was late because of work. Thank you sooooo much and thanks for all the sacrifices! I love you & happie chinese new year! =)
Sunday, January 6, 2013 - 0 comments


喝咖啡 聊過去是是非非
都沒變 還是圓著一張臉
時間怎麼長 思念就怎麼唱

擁抱那麼真切 眼神不曾改變
今天不說再見 不讓你有機會食言
就算分隔很遠 愛 一直連接 到永遠

回憶播放 在眼前
好久不見 好想念

記得那年夏天 笑容天真無邪
記得那個深夜 心疼你哭紅了臉 來
來我懷裡歇歇 牽 牽你的手 到永遠

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