Friday, September 28, 2012 - 0 comments

Happy Pre-Mooncake Festival to all & Happy Pre-Birthday Jiaying~!!!

A couple of days early, but I think I have to be here to wish all of you Happy Mooncake Day first just in case there's no internet connection in Terengganu. Yup TERENGGANU! I have to be away from the city tomorrow onwards for a week for the THP estate visit engagement. This will definitely be a new experience for me, but just that dunno whether I can survive and come back safely or not. Heh.. Ohhh yea, also wish myself a very PRE-HAPPY-BIRTHDAY~! Saeng-il-eul chughahabnida 

Snow Skin Durian Coulis (冰皮鮮榴槤) from TaiThong.
- Highly recommended to try as I like it a lot! -

I am not a fan of mooncakes but since I am crazy for durians & the promoter kept on telling us this is nice, this is special blah blah blah.. so Jen Ai and I decided to give it a try. Ohmy, that was great. Their durian coulis was really good with strong durian aroma and did you see the real durian meat? It makes me feel like eating it again now. Oh nom nom.. Hahaa

Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Recipe to celebrate my lunar birthday.
- The cake was a little too sweeeeet! -

Well, this coming Monday is my birthday and that will be my first time to celebrate it alone or maybe with my Malay and Indian colleagues out of the station. Anyway, I don't mind actually but I can predict that the day will be flooded with worksheets and vouchings since this is a rush job.

Lastly, before I forget, I shall thanks my parents for bringing me to this world.
Thank you so much and I love you, Papa & Mama. =)


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