Saturday, September 3, 2011 - 0 comments

Startling by Each Step / 步步驚心

一直在找最近到底有甚麼好戲可追, 結果讓我在 里找到這一部即將要上映的穿越劇!

OhMyGoodness! 只是看了preview而已就已經讓我瘋狂的愛上此劇, 我打算..追了!

第一次會想要看內地的電視劇, 希望到時開始上映的時候不要讓我失望了!

還有, 吳奇隆好帥啊! 他演的四爺好cool哦! 和穿越的女主角劉詩詩挺相配的! 大愛!

Zhang Xiao, a contemporary, ethnically Han Chinese young woman from the 21st century, accidentally travels back in time to the Qing Dynasty period during the reign of Kangxi Emperor after experiencing a deadly combination of traffic collision and electrocution, resulting her somehow reliving the life of one of her previous incarnations and forcing her to assumes the identity belongs to her past avatar: Maertai Rexi, teenage daughter of a Manchu nobleman, who also had a near-fatal incident in her own time which Zhang awakes from.
Being stranded in the past, in the body of a centuries earlier incarnation of herself, and believe by many of Maertai’s family and friends that the sudden change of her behavior and memory loss is resulted of her head injury, Zhang Xiao awares that there will be a dangerous power struggle known to history between the scheming princes for the throne, which will results Aisin-Gioro Yinzhen to succeed as the Yongzheng Emperor after his father’s death. Zhang Xiao tries to change the future outcomes for the better, hoping to prevents any casualty as written in the future without interfering a man’s destiny, while trying to find a way to return to her time period. However, Zhang ultimately realizes that, not only she fails to alter the course of the approaching events, but also, under a predestination paradox, she is fated to become an instigator of the tragedy she tries to prevent resulted by her actions in the past and the princess’ romantic affections towards her.

时年,康熙第四十三年。天下太平,但一场震动历史的 “九龙夺嫡” 正在暗潮涌动。权利的厮杀,爱情的灼烧,在被无限放大的历史舞台上,张晓,不,是马尔泰·若曦的命运无可避免的与众位亲王阿哥们交织在一起……

啊..我已經迫不及待的想要看了! 趕快upload給我看吧!!
哎, 不說了, 得趕在它上映之前先去把原著的小說k完! Bye



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