Saturday, June 26, 2010 - 0 comments


Should be having a gathering tonight but that got cancelled due to many can't make it -.-
Chew~ I thought I can meet up with those old school buddies tim?!!
Aiya, nevermind lar... I am not feeling so well also, feel even worse after coming back from pyramid, so better stay at home and watch 金曲獎.
Actually I want to watch 包青天 lo (I know I'm OLD~), but mummy doesn't allow :(
沒有S.H.E的金曲獎, 有什麽好看呢?!

I am kinda addicted to Guess! Clothes especially dresses and heels <3
Nice but expensive. Cannot afford to buy la; baba surely will KILL me!

Hmm... planned to let my hair grow back, cuz I love long hairs compared to short.
I wanna cut it like this in future.

Dunno whether suit me or not?!
Or maybe I can go for extensions instead of waiting it to grow naturally?

Cute BaoBei, changed her hair style too~ And this is 100+1% not suit me -.-'

She is so KAWAII ^^

祝: 北京演唱會圓滿成功 !

Watch FIFA with baba later. He said later one will be nice.
Argentina's still need to wait until tomorrow night -.-


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