Saturday, March 20, 2010 - 0 comments

Hi My Sweetheart ♥ 『 海派甜心 』

Used about a day to finish up this drama.
I don't really start from the first episode because I feel
that it was quite boring in the beginning of the story.

The part which they meet after they misunderstood each other and Xue Hai
starting to revenge on Bao Zhu will be the part that I actually most
interested on.

I love all those sad and abuse scenes!
I have cried
from the start till the end of it.

~  Suddenly feel that Show is quite handsome too. *^.^* ~

Ying always download every OST
of a drama that she likes. xP

Of course
including this too. ^_^

The music from it was
really NICE~

Especially thesang by Show Lo, it's really cute!

I want that to be my message alert tone!!
But I couldn't find it as well. *SAD*


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