Thursday, March 25, 2010 - 0 comments


真的嗎? 真的嗎?
終于; 她終于要圓夢了~

希望這次不要吃詐糊啦 ;p

艾拉, 加油! :)

*  I like their heels *


我愛雨夜花 [ wā ì wū yǎ huī ]

New song from S.H.E~

This is a hokkien/taiwanese song.

Queens' first attempt.

Though I am a hokkienese,

I actually can't understand what are they singing about D:

But it's so nice and I love the rhythm so much =)

Awesome song ; AWESOME S.H.E~

= =


詞﹕張錫安 / 周添旺  曲﹕張錫安 / 鄧雨賢

山腳有一個庄 阿公就住置彼
青味青味的竹林常常攏嘛隨風底唱歌 咪嗦啦 咪嗦啦

舊柪舊柪的厝瓦 一直保護阿公阿嬤 阿公自己改編的歌 伊唱乎我聽

這條歌陪我到大漢 常常哼著伊唱也唱袂煞
希望你同款會凍睛足聽 愛珍惜 這個聲
這條歌陪我一直到大漢 常常哼著伊唱也唱袂煞
雖然講世界不時在變化 嘛是愛這條歌

(雨夜花 雨夜花) 袂娶某 袂娶某 娶到一個呆大摳 脖子黑黑 目睛凸凸 親像火車煙囪管
(雨夜花 雨夜花) 袂娶某 袂娶某 娶到一個呆大摳 脖子黑黑 目睛凸凸 親像火車煙囪管

逐次返到這個所在我習慣脫赤腳 脫赤腳哪走哪迄逃置底軟軟土的田岸
蝴蝶蝴蝶翩翩飛阿飛飛阿飛引我想欲抓 這藏有我囝仔時存的笑聲

大樹邊的一條溪流流流過陡陡的山壁 溪凍水也清照著天照著白雲哪像水鏡
釣幾尾啊沒魚嘛有蝦 起火烤烤來吃 哪吃哪換阿嬤 唱歌乎阮聽

原來置怹的年代 (欲娶某欲嫁尪~)  不曾有自由的戀愛 (等 到有一天~)
嫁娶攏聽父母的安排 (原來~)      這就是怹彼個年代 (彼個年代~)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 - 0 comments

I’d probably be dead if I had a weak heart.


My mum was telling me that our car window is being broke by someone else when I was still laying on bed this morning. I was like so SHOCKED 'Huh?! Is this a joke? Or a new technique to wake me and my sis up? Today is not april fool's day arh?!'

Really, I really don't understand why the stupid thief broke our car for? The most valuable smart tag was still there and the only missing thing is my bro's jacket. Don't tell me the stupid guy is just aimed for a jacket lo?! Pretty amazing man -.-' Super duper GENG! Give him(her) a big clap please~ He(she) is really a 'GOOD' boy(girl)!

Back from college at noon.
I smell something weird in the air once I opened my house door. Yewyew is laying on the sofa there and playing with my laptop. So I thought I smell wrongly because everything looks normal. But then I get SHOCKED again when I went to the kitchen and it is full of smoke! WTH?! The salmon fish is overcooked and the smoke is actually came out from there. Luckily it doesn't get burned! Phew~


Due to Ms.Menon's flight back from China was delayed, I have no class at night later :D
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - 0 comments






p\s: 悶 = mēn ; mèn

:: :: :: :: ::



臉看起來都是黑黑的, 好像在生氣一樣...

到最後還加一句:" 瀅, 你不笑的時候, 臉也是臭臭的。" [ -.-' ]


只不過在無聊或悶的時候還得維持笑容, 不會累嗎?
Saturday, March 20, 2010 - 0 comments

Hi My Sweetheart ♥ 『 海派甜心 』

Used about a day to finish up this drama.
I don't really start from the first episode because I feel
that it was quite boring in the beginning of the story.

The part which they meet after they misunderstood each other and Xue Hai
starting to revenge on Bao Zhu will be the part that I actually most
interested on.

I love all those sad and abuse scenes!
I have cried
from the start till the end of it.

~  Suddenly feel that Show is quite handsome too. *^.^* ~

Ying always download every OST
of a drama that she likes. xP

Of course
including this too. ^_^

The music from it was
really NICE~

Especially thesang by Show Lo, it's really cute!

I want that to be my message alert tone!!
But I couldn't find it as well. *SAD*
Friday, March 19, 2010 - 0 comments

New chapter in life begins!

Cut my hair this morning at the saloon located in Taman Desa.
First try on it since it is highly recommended by my mum and I think Miko saloon will no longer be a best choice for me anymore.
And my conclusion is I am very happy and satisfied with my new hair style now :)
I really like the new cut because it makes me look younger and a bit thinner. *PAISEH*

I should be MUST be moving out from the CNY mood already!
I have been so lazy and 放肆 during the whole CNY month.
I just cannot control myself from getting addicted to those biscuits and drinks.
They are delicious and yummy but those are RUBBISH FOODS for me too!
And kesian me, gained one/two kgs back after absorbing them. *CRY.I.N.G*

I can wear L size skirts or pants and M size tee now for the general standard clothes; don't consider about the small cutting's la. I don't want to go back and always look for XL or XXL again. That was a nightmare for me!! I couldn't accept it even in future. I wanna get thin and slim!~
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 - 0 comments

hâPpÝ XD

I felt quite happy when those people around me keeps telling me that I've gotten thinner compared to last time.
Thanks for their compliment ;p
Well, I do feel very very happy for that :D
Thanks once again dear *muackS*

I will keep moving forward and try my best to achieve my GOAL WEIGHT!

GAMBATEH girl; I SURELY can make it!!


只要懂得知足, 便可得到真正的快樂 :)

開心~不難擁有; 快樂~隨手可得!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 - 0 comments


As usual, rushed to college in the morning for Mr.D's class.
But then, after I stepped into the LT8 and found a place to sit, there was this girl sitting few rows in front of me turned back and told me that today class is cancelled because Mr.Dinesh cannot make it~> he is not feeling well, bad throat and high fever.

After that, I took out my phone thinking to call my mum and then only saw the message from Lobak.
If I received the message earlier or I delayed my time to college, I don't need to wake up so early and wasted my one hour to rush to college and rush back again. Petrol and toll pun rugi liao. Haiz...

Go study for F8 le.. S.I.E.N.Z~
Sunday, March 14, 2010 - 0 comments

ホワイトデー *White Day*

Today might be the 'best' Sunday I've ever had.
Having P2 exam in the morning and then still need to continue with P2 class until 7pm.
WTH man?!
Miss Menon, I beg you: Please don't always get sick on Saturday can or not?!
It's really frustrating to have exams and classes on Sunday(for me la..)!!


Just reached home at 9.11pm after the dinner.
Did all things include bathing is almost ten pm already.
Where got time to study orh??!
So, I'll be skipping P3's PT2 as I don't have enough time to finish my revision.
Erm, actually I have finished but I'm just left with the memorizing part of the frameworks.
I'm quite lazy now and really don't have the mood to absorb those weird things -.-
[Overall this is just an excuse for me to ponteng exam!]

Happy White Valentine's Day 2010 ♥
Monday, March 8, 2010 - 0 comments


Someone always loves to say something which I don't like to hear or it will be so annoying..
I rEaLlY ReAlLy hate this type of people!!
He won't care about your feelings anyway or should I say that he's totally NO BRAIN at all!!
I dunno why he always want to do something or say something which is so irritating lo?!
Makes everyone dislike him will be better meh?!
See la... If he is not my 長輩, I surely will hit, kick, punch, bite, scold & slap him!! *ANGRY-I.N.G*


Currently been busy doing my P3 homework which given by Mr.Dinesh this morning..

It's literally only half-way done and I actually don't have the motivation to continue with it anyway..
Its there... The answers have all been discussed by D but I'm just so lazy to write it out in the essay form..
Haiz.... Homework was due by tomorrow.... I think I should better come out with some good excuses if he's really collecting the homework tomorrow.... or else just get scolded by him lo; although it might be quite embarrassing lah :(
Saturday, March 6, 2010 - 0 comments


OH~ Cannot tahan~ So sexy!!   (*^_^*)
My nose has been bleeding non-stop for almost half an hour on the very next day after I saw this picture...
Really, I'm not joking okay?!

Of course, this new styling indicates that their new album is coming soon :) Very very soon~
Yay yay~ S.H.E is THE ONE~ Gambateh & concert rockz!~

p\s: really need to drink more water these days; the weather is damn hot man...
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 - 0 comments

WTH (!@#$%^&*)

Totally messed-up for today.
Everything was turned topsy-turvy because of her~~stupid and crazy Ms.Kiran.
Oops... Shouldn't be scolding her crazy because I'm the one who actually got mad!

Original timetable for F8 today was only till 2.45pm and I'm supposed to have few hours in between to get back home and take a rest before attending my P2 class at night but due to Ms.Kiran, everything goes far beyond my control and expectation.
Some more the worst thing is my P2's notes were not with me too. How am I going for P2 class without bringing the notes leh?! I think Ms.Menon will be the first one who kill me :(

I need to rush back home to get my notes at 5.35pm[finally willing to release us!!] and rush back again to college and pass the car to my brotha at six something.
Hoorr... 5.30pm~peak period for traffic jam!
I was keep punching my steering while I'm waiting for those traffic lights to turn green. I knew that I'm so rude la... I'm so sorry for that anyway @` I just cannot control myself.

I was so tired and 喘不過氣來 after rushing like a tanjong rambutan people -.-
Haiz.. BAD DAY!
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