Saturday, October 3, 2009 - 0 comments


I watched <The Winner> few days ago and the topic they discussed was "What people nowadays are indulged/crazy with?" something like that la.
Then there was this guest saying that she was addicted to 非死不可 in the beginning of the show.
I really cannot get what she has said until she explains 非死不可 = FACEBOOK  <~ memang swt!!
Another girl lagi teruk! She even set alarm to remind herself to go back home and sit in front of the computer to harvest her fruits/veges[Im not sure with it]. *She's MAD!*

ErmHmm, due to my curiosity, I created an account but I actually dunno how to use/play with it. Okay I know Im stupid lar.
So, I was just adding friends and played for some easy tests[felt lame; dunno why others was so excited when they play?!].

Anyway, I have deactivated my account and I won't touch facebook anymore!
I admit that I don't have any talent to play this difficult thingy....


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