Monday, September 21, 2009 - 0 comments

Where got ghost?

At first I didn't even plan to watch this movie.
But since I heard everyone says it was funny and not scary,
and my parents, brotha and yew wanna watch,
then only I decided to watch it.
If not, you ask me to wait for them for about two hours meh?! NO SUCH WAY!

It's a three short stories movie where I didn't find its ghost 'real' at all lo.
But it still SCARED me! LOL
沒辦法啊 ; 膽小鬼就是膽小鬼 !
Hmm, I don't feel that this was nice or as funny as others said.
But the last part of the movie was the continued version of <Money No Enough 2> which I think is slightly better than the first two parts;
because I do agree with Jack Neo that mum is the person who always care us the most!


I wanna watch <The Ugly Truth>!
Okay, I'll watch it when I'm free.


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