Monday, September 28, 2009 - 0 comments

SF1’07 Gathering

Date/Time: 26/9/2009 (Saturday) ; 6:30pm~10:30pm
Venue: Star Village @ OUG
Mates attended: JY, TianXin, ChunMun, WeiLing, LiSan, KeanMun, ShiYun, Edwin, GuoDong, ChenKiat, Angie, KaFai, Joanne, Michelle, ChuWei, WoonKhai, BakChen, YeeSoon, GuoFeng, JianTing, KaHong, ChenWong

No story telling this time, just record the feelings after the gathering.

環境還不錯, 只不過食物沒有我想象中的好吃; 全部是麵粉來的, 很惡!
至於同學們, 不知道爲什麽, 總是感覺我融入不了他們的話題, 所以一整晚大部分的時間我都是在聼他們說而已.
或許真的所像ShiYun所講的一樣, 太久沒見面了, 所以才找不到話題聊;
不過, 我自己覺得或許還有另一個原因的, 是我自己不太會交際, 也不會自己主動找話題跟人家聊聊, 我有心理障礙.

希望下次再聚會的時候, 我能放得開一點; 膽小這習慣必須要趁早改掉, 要不然出來社會工作時就麻煩大了.

Words cannot describe my happiness :D

I have no words to describe my feelings now!
Let’s see what I have bought…

“ S.H.E’s 愛的三溫暖 ” !!

I cannot find it anyway else,
all of them(speedy and victoria) gave me the same answer~oh, that one arh, no stock wor, need to wait for abt one/two weeks;
I really really cannot wait for it so long lo!
It was like one and a half months have passed since the distribution date,
that’s the maximum time which I can tolerate;
So, I decided to buy it from Rock Music @ Mid-Valley.
Although it was a little bit more expensive than normal,
I think it’s well worth the price!
Saturday, September 26, 2009 - 0 comments

OMG! Weird dream -.-

OMG! OMG! What's wrong with me??
I thought Im supposed to dream something about <My Queen> since I have been watching it non-stop,
but I ended up doing GROUP ACCOUNTS in it -.-'''

Hoooh, I remember it so clearly that I cannot balance the accounts 'cause I didn't do the cancellation of those trade receivable and payable.
Shit! I still remember the stupid balancing figure is $1078.
Izzit a tips for me to buy 4D arh??! LOL
Then I was awake by stomachache a minute after I have balanced up the account -.-'
Oowwhh~ Forced me to leave my sweet bed. Geram!!


My Queen°

Currently Im chasing for

AhBee JieJie said it was nice and my mum bought me the dvd this morning.
So I started watching for it after I have finished my works~bath and dinner.

Actually Im not even an admirer or fans of the handsome guy~Ethan Ruan and the pretty girl~Cheryl Yang.
No reasons but just they are not my "vegetable".
But this drama was really nice; its story not bad.

My aim is to finish it up by this Saturday(means today) noon.
Yes! Gambateh~

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 - 0 comments

最討厭之 打嗝篇


其中最討厭的就是 打嗝 !










Tuesday, September 22, 2009 - 0 comments

Selamat Belated Hari Raya ~

I’m thinking to change my font type. But the font provided by wretch is restricted to few types only.
Ha, then the smart me found this particular icon and finally changed it successfully.
Yay! Since there’s many choices now, I’m wondering which to choose.
Tried Georgia last post, so now try Kristen ITC.
Haiz… 人啊, 就是犯賤的啦!
Although I’m not a Muslim, I still wish the Malays Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri~
Okay, due to their new year, we are having like 5/6 days holiday starting from last Friday till today.
Actually my family is planning to spend our time in Cameron Highland de, but yew and ping are having tuition during the raya, so, cannot go lor.
On Thursday (17/9/09), it seemed to be the first day of my raya holiday since the one and only F7 class on that day is ended at 11am.
TianXin is organizing a gathering for SF1’07 and planned to held at Circle (OUG Plaza there wor). So, we went there to check for the restaurant.

Aiyo, I really hate side parking! (coz I dunno how to park it. !@#$%^&*!)
Then LiSan and me found the place but the restaurant was looked like stop operating liao.
So, we finally decided to change to Star Village @ OUG.
Okay, done with the survey, we off to Rabbit Cafe to have our lunch since everyone is hungry.
After that, said bye bye and went home.
The next day, Saturday (19/9/09), at first yew and I planned to go to 1U for a movie (Ugly Truth), but mummy wanted to follow us too.
So, we changed our destination to Sunway Pyramid ‘coz it is more nearer and easier to go.
Since mummy is following us, we canceled our original plan ‘coz we don’t think mummy will like to watch movie with us lo.
Shop, shopping and shopped…….
Yew got a shirt from Sub/Subzero (I didn‘t really remember) and a pair of high heels for me from Voir.
I love the heels so much! It was white in colour and I was so surprised that mummy let me to buy it this time :)
She always think that white is easier to get dirt and normally don’t allow us (especially yewyew) to buy shoes, bags, pants or even shirts which are in white colour; it’s easy to turn yellow if we do not take care of it.

Initially there’s a gathering for 6B class at night but dunno why called off liao.
Haiz… I thought I can meet those old old friends tim.
It was like 7 years I didn’t meet with those primary schoolmates le. Miss them so much~
Monday (21/9/09), we went to Station 1 @ Kuchai Lama to yumcha.
Haha, we saw Vivian (My FM’s DJ) there too.
It will be more ideal if Vivian is changed to ELLA/WUCHUN!~
Ochh, today, is the last day of my raya holiday.
So sad that I need to get back to my college life again tomorrow :(
Monday, September 21, 2009 - 0 comments

Where got ghost?

At first I didn't even plan to watch this movie.
But since I heard everyone says it was funny and not scary,
and my parents, brotha and yew wanna watch,
then only I decided to watch it.
If not, you ask me to wait for them for about two hours meh?! NO SUCH WAY!

It's a three short stories movie where I didn't find its ghost 'real' at all lo.
But it still SCARED me! LOL
沒辦法啊 ; 膽小鬼就是膽小鬼 !
Hmm, I don't feel that this was nice or as funny as others said.
But the last part of the movie was the continued version of <Money No Enough 2> which I think is slightly better than the first two parts;
because I do agree with Jack Neo that mum is the person who always care us the most!


I wanna watch <The Ugly Truth>!
Okay, I'll watch it when I'm free.
Thursday, September 10, 2009 - 0 comments

Promise can be broken easily.

Today I was absent from the audit class again.
It's not because of I'm sick or whatever but due to my laziness and a lot of homework has not yet been completed.
I think there's something wrong with Ms.Kiran!
She always having an extra class from 8am to 2.45pm on the next day after our test.
Didn't even want to give us a break. SELFISH!!

By the way, luckily I didn't go to college today.
My car was running out of fuel but no one knew it including me.
Then all of them blamed me because I'm the "beneficial owner" of the car, so they thought I'm supposed to know everything about it.
Wah-lao! I have almost one week+ didn't drive the car liao leh, how do I get to know wor?! Hèng!

I took out my law textbook and study for it since I've nothing to do while staying at home.
OhMyGosh! It's quite boring to read it.
I cannot believe that one of my cita-cita is to be a lawyer when I was small -.-
How come I'm so ambitious that time?!


Finally, I watched Ghosts of Girlfriends Past!
The movie which I wanna watch since 800yrs ago.
Hmm, the story line was not bad but not as funny as expected.
Anyway, at least it is better than Dance Flick.


Just realized that the handsome guy from SS501 has been diagnosed with the H1N1 virus.
Hope he will get well soon~ Let's pray for him to have a speedy recovery from the stupid H1N1.
KimHyunJoong, GAMBATEH!
Monday, September 7, 2009 - 0 comments

My Way

I will find my way ; I want a different way
After the wind and rain
There'll be a brand new day

I will find my way ; I want a different way
Nothing will stop me now
No matter what they say

Saturday, September 5, 2009 - 0 comments


Just finished my F7 exam.
I really hate the exams starting at 2pm!
My feelings are going up and down and the pressure is increasing while waiting for the time to pass.

Honestly, I didn't really study much for this paper this time.
So, I didn't get it balance for those computation questions.
I don't understand the additional information which given by the ques.
Especially question 2; totally blur and wanna faint when I looked at the legal claim.
Haizz... There is absolutely no point of talking it now; it is a sunk cost!
Well, I think F7 was still okay for me; can pass gua?!

Now just left with audit & financial management.
Hmm, I have no mood to touch my audit notes.
Sienz :(
If can, I really will choose to skip the exam on Tuesday and resit it later.


Just wondering why Friday night doesn't have <D.I.E Again>.
I wanna watch lár!

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