Wednesday, June 3, 2009 - 0 comments


<THE 3rd ROUND>  by TANK

i love tank's vocal after i heard his <專屬天使>..
he is so talented..
and the musics wrote by him were awesome!!~
yeng man!~ especially <我們怎麼了>..
nice~ nice~ nice~

i have been waiting for his new album for almost 2 yrs+,
and finally that's it...

there are a few of the songs that i think is worth to listen to it..
because the lyrics are so touching..
and the musics were quite nice too..

快樂 什么時候會結束呢
可知你是我生命中的 最舍不得

如果我變成回憶 退出了這場生命
留下你錯愕哭泣 我冰冷身體 擁抱不了你
想到我讓深愛的你 人海孤獨旅行
我會恨自己 如此狠心

如果我變成回憶 終于沒那么幸運
沒機會白着頭發 蹒跚牽着你 看晚霞落盡
漫長時光總有一天 你會傷心痊愈
若有人可以 讓他陪你

如果我變成回憶 最怕我太不通起
頑固的賴在空氣 霸占你心里 每一寸空隙
要讓依然愛我的你 痛苦承受失去
這樣不公平 請你盡力 把我忘記
i love this song the most!!
if i became a memory......
i watched the mv too..
acted by jiro and selina's sistha..
jiro's new hair style makes him looks so young :)

top 2 that i like although i felt this song is nicer than <如果我變成回憶>..
felt relax when listened to it..

全世界都停了電 全世界都封了街
我所有窗子外面 被貼上黑夜
我吶喊思念 卻沒人聽見
絕望到極點 剩的是疲倦

全世界都停了電 全世界白雪滿天
才發覺在我心間 有回憶碎片
一作夢翻身 就刺痛流血
我捲著身體 縮成一個圈
i dunno this song was the one of the theme songs for <ToGetHer>..
well; it's nice!~

besides tank's album,
wilber's <零零七> was quite nice too..
especially the songs <寂屋出租> & <親愛的>..


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