Monday, June 29, 2009 - 0 comments


actually i wanted to write <阿瀅人情味> as the title de..
but it feels so weird to speak -.-


Super delicious!! 因爲是我煲的 ;)

好像有點點焦了 -.-'

雞肉  豬肉  傻傻分不清楚




next, bake chocolate muffins~
this is the birthday present baked for yew's friend..
mummy and i was her helpers <3
actually i didn't help much..
because i'm busy using my phone to take photos :p

looks delicious?

in fact, its taste was okay okay nia..



Sunday, June 28, 2009 - 0 comments

Decision Time!

my ACCA Sem 2 timetable is out!
Oh My God!
because i dunno which group should i in?!
i think i suppose to be in G6 as the group is for students without T8(audit) background de..
but all my friends or the familiar faces were all in G5 wor..
how to choose leh??
i scared that i can't catch up with the syllabus if i went G5..
headache arh!

by the way,
i don't like both of the groups' timetable..

my holiday is gonna end soon......

S.H.E <愛的3溫暖>, 要不要買??



有沒有一點點像DiGi的YELLOW MAN呢?

Friday, June 26, 2009 - 0 comments

simple maths equation*

can u solve it??

i dunno..

Thursday, June 25, 2009 - , 0 comments

Outing *.^

pay a visit to pyramid again and watched Hannah Montana The Movie yesterday,
as i do not afraid of the virus of H1N1 :p
i really like this kind of movie rather than the famous transformers or terminator..
i will felt faint when i watch those type of movies..
paiseh paiseh..
plz forgive me because i really dunno how to appreciate them!~
sorry ya..

wow.. wow.. wow..
Lucas Till stars as Travis who was so attractive man; leng zaii!!
he's good looking and i think he will gain a lot of fans from the movie..
including me; hehe :)

well, overall i just want to say that this movie was great..

after movie and dinner,
went new inti to participate the cultural night organized by their students..
ermm.. dancing was not bad but a little bit sienz lah..
then, went 糖粘豆 to yum cha till almost 11pm bah, i think..
actually i'm quite afraid to back at so late..
because the security or safety among my neighborhood was not good..
someone was trying to steal/get into my neighbour's house last few days ago..
hmm.. in the midnight of the father's day..
my mum heard some noise and she saw a guy;
climbing on the roof of our neighbour's house who lives opposite us..
some of them called the police but they never come..
haizxx.. i have nothing much to say about it..
i just felt so disappointed..
anyway people,
take care of yourself because the police will not ever help much..



它 還是會有一天 突然就變成了只能深深收藏的回憶

如果我變成回憶 終于沒那麽幸運
再也沒有機會白著頭髮 蹣跚地牽著你的小手
坐在搖搖椅上 一起欣賞晚霞的美麗

究竟是離開的人帶著遺憾呢? 還是留下來的人傷盡了心?

我不會害怕我們不夠相愛 ;
卻只怕我們的愛 最後還是敗給了所謂的命運。。。


p/s: 如果我變成回憶 ~TANK


如果我變成回憶 退出了這場生命

留下你錯愕哭泣 我冰冷身體 擁抱不了你

想到我讓深愛的你 人海孤獨旅行

我會恨自己 如此狠心

如果我變成回憶 終于沒那么幸運

沒機會白着頭發 蹒跚牽着你 看晚霞落盡

漫長時光總有一天 你會傷心痊愈

若有人可以 讓他陪你

如果我變成回憶 最怕我太不爭氣

頑固的賴在空氣 霸占你心里 每一寸空隙

要讓依然愛我的你 痛苦承受失去

這樣不公平 請你盡力 把我忘記


如果我變成回憶, 也請你記得, 我會在天國的階梯中..... 繼續愛你!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 - 0 comments




很多人常說 被愛 是最幸福的..
可爲何沒人講説 愛人 也是另一種幸福的象徵呢??


有誰會在乎  有誰會想念
你走的堅決  枯竭了愛戀  我給的一切

愛來的洶湧  來不及閃躲

p\s: 沉默的瞬間 ~張棟梁
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 - , 0 comments


和寵物談心 陪玩具入睡
偶爾單純 有什麽不對
就算帶刺玫瑰 也許要些甜味
太過高貴 就失掉趣味

敬請消費 屬於你的不要白白浪費
請歸隊 不管你是幾歲

可以冷艷聰慧 也能可愛甜美
我擔綱巡迴 人生這舞會
偶爾天真無邪 心事純白如雪
沒有人 會不配要世界諂媚

沒有人不配 讓世界諂媚
可愛到万歲 比餅乾清脆
沒有人不配 讓世界讚美
沒有人理會 現在是幾歲

用一撮流星 串一條項鏈
就算長大 幻想不會變
用外套的纖維 織成一座堡壘
翻個跟斗 時空就後退

多謝收看 並且請你高擡你的貴嘴
誰都配 被人想入非非


親愛的姐妹 一直模仿誰
不如脫下糖衣 做自己
返璞歸真 才是最美
我的姐妹 一直想做
巾幗鬚眉 也許太累
吐吐舌頭 做做鬼臉
赤子之心 才最難能可貴

偶爾返老還童 也是一種代謝
沒人學不會 美麗的智慧
謝謝上天恩惠 謝謝你的恭維
沒有人會不配 你受之無愧

謝謝老天爺 謝謝你恭維
可愛万万歲 你受之無愧
謝謝我栽培 謝謝你奉陪
沒有人不配 沒有人不會





Sunday, June 21, 2009 - 0 comments

BaBa, Happy FatHeR’s Day~



结婚那天, 妈问我:" 坐在角落里象两个要饭模样的人是谁?"

我看过去的时候, 有个老头正盯着我, 旁边还有个老太太, 发现我看着他们时赶忙低下头.. 我不认识他们但也不象要饭的, 衣服是新的连折印都看得出来.. 妈说象要饭的是他们佝偻着身子, 老太的身边倚了根拐杖的缘故..

妈说天池是孤儿, 那边没亲戚来, 如果不认识就轰他们走吧.. 现在要饭的坏着呢, 喜欢等在酒店门口, 见哪家办喜事就装作亲戚来吃黑酒..

我说不会, 叫来天池问一下吧.. 天池慌里慌张把我的手捧花都掉地上了, 最后吱吱唔唔地说是他们家堂叔和堂婶.. 我瞪了妈妈一眼:" 差点把亲戚赶走.."

妈说天池你不是孤儿吗? 哪来的亲戚呢? 天池怕妈, 低头说是他家远房的亲戚, 好长时间不来往了.. 但结婚是大事, 家里一个亲戚没来心里觉着是个憾事, 所以......

我靠著天池的肩, 埋怨他有親戚來也不早說, 應該把他們調一桌, 既然是親戚就不能坐在備用桌上.. 天池攔著說就讓他們坐那吧, 坐別桌他們吃著也不自在..

直到開席, 那桌上也就坐了堂叔和堂嬸.. 敬謝席酒經過那桌, 天池猶豫了一下, 拉著我從他們身邊擦了過去.. 回頭看到他們的頭埋的很低, 想了想我把天池給拽了回去:" 堂叔、堂嬸, 我們給你倆敬酒了!"

兩人抬起頭有點不相信的盯著我.. 二老的頭髮都是花白的, 看上去很老應該有七八十歲的樣子, 堂嬸的眼睛很空洞, 臉雖對著我但眼神閃忽不定.. 我拿手不確定的在她眼前晃了晃, 沒反應.. 原來堂嬸是個瞎子.. " 堂、堂叔、堂嬸, 這是俺媳婦小潔, 俺們現在給你們敬酒呢!" 天池在用鄉音提醒他們..

" 哦、哦.." 堂叔歪歪斜斜地站了起來, 左手扶著堂嬸的肩右手顫微微地端起酒杯, 手指背上都是黃黃的繭, 厚厚的指夾逢裡留著黑黑的泥.. 面朝黃土背朝天的日子讓他們過早地累彎了腰.. 我驚訝地發現, 堂叔的右腿是空的.. 堂嬸是瞎子, 堂叔是瘸子, 怎樣的一對夫妻啊? 別站了, 你們坐下吧.. 我走過去扶住他們.. 堂叔又搖晃著坐下了, 無緣由的堂嬸眼裡忽然就叭嗒叭嗒直掉淚, 看到堂叔無言地拍著她的背.. 本想勸他們兩句, 但天池拉著我離開了..

我跟天池說, 等他們回家的時候給他們一點錢吧, 太可憐了.. 兩人都是殘疾, 這日子根本想不通怎麼過.. 天池點點頭沒說話, 緊緊擁著我..
第一年的除夕, 天池說胃疼沒吃下晚飯回房睡覺去了.. 我讓媽媽熬點大米粥也跟著進了房.. 天池躺在床上, 眼裡還憋著淚..

我說:" 天池不帶這樣的, 第一年的除夕就不跟我們一塊吃晚飯, 還跑房裡這樣, 好像我們家虧待你似的, 一過節你就胃疼, 哪有這樣的事情? 其實我知道你不是胃疼, 說吧什麼事?"

天池悶了半天說對不起, 他只是想起堂叔和堂嬸還有他死去的爹娘.. 他怕在桌上忍不住, 惹爸媽不高興才推說胃疼..

我摟著他說:" 真是個傻孩子, 想他們我們過完年看他們去就成了, 再說我也想知道他倆是怎麼過日子的..

天池說算了, 那條山路特別難走.. 你會累著的, 等以後路通了我們生了小孩再帶你去那看他們吧..

我心裡想說:" 等我們生小孩的時候他們還不一定在呢!" 但沒敢講出來, 嘴上說給他們再寄些錢物吧!

第二年的中秋期間我正巧在外出差, 中秋節那天又回不了家.. 我特別想天池和爸媽, 我就跟天池煲電話粥..

我問天池想我想得睡不著怎麼辦? 天池說就上網或者看電視, 再不行就睡那睜著眼睛狠狠得想..

那晚, 我們直到把手機聊得發燙沒電為止.. 躺在賓館的床上, 看著窗外圓圓的月亮, 我怎麼也睡不著.. 睜著眼睛流著淚想天池、想爸爸、想媽媽.. 想到天池估計也沒睡著, 說不定正在網上神遊.. 翻身我也打開電腦, 重新申請了一QQ號名叫"讀你"想捉弄一下天池.. 查了一下, 天池果然在, 我主動加了他, 他接受了..

我問他:" 這樣一個萬家團圓的好日子, 你為什麼還在網上閒逛呢?" 他說:" 因為我老婆在外出差, 想她睡不著覺所以就上網看看.." 我挺滿意這句話, 接著又打 出:" 老婆不在家, 可以找個情人代替, 比如說網上, 聊以自慰一下.." 半天他才敲出一行:" 如果你想找情人的話, 對不起, 我不是你找的人, 再見.." " 對不起, 我不是那個意思, 你別生氣.." 叭叭叭, 我趕緊發過去.. 過了一會他問我:" 你怎麼也在網上閒逛呢?" 我說:" 我在外打工, 現在想爸爸和媽媽.. 剛剛和男朋友通完電話還是睡不 著, 就上網了.."

" 我也想我爹和娘, 只是, 親在外, 子欲養而不能.. 親在外, 子欲養而不能.. 怎麼講?" 我把這句話又重複敲了過去.. 我有點莫明其妙, 天池怎麼說這樣的話? 你叫"讀你", 我今天就讓你讀一次吧.. "有些事情放在心裡很久會得病, 拿出來曬曬會舒服些, 反正你我也不認識, 你就當作聽一個故事吧!" 於是, 我意外地知道了天池一直隱藏在內心的事情..

" 30年前, 我爹快五十了還沒娶親, 因為他腿瘸加上家裡又窮沒有姑娘願意嫁他.. 後來, 莊上來了個要飯的老頭還攙著個瞎眼的女人.. 老頭病得很重, 爹看他們可憐 就讓他們在自家歇息.. 沒想到一住下那老頭就沒起來過, 後來老頭的女兒就是那瞎眼的女人嫁給了我爹, 第二年生下了我.. 我家的日子過得很清苦, 可我從來沒餓過一頓.. 爹和娘種不了田, 沒有收入就幫別人家剝玉米粒, 一天剝下來十指全是血泡, 第二天纏上布條再剝.. 為了我上學, 家裡養了三隻雞, 兩隻雞生蛋賣錢, 留下一 隻生蛋我吃.. 娘說她在城裡要飯時聽說城裡的娃上學都吃雞蛋, 咱家娃也吃, 將來比城裡的娃更聰明.. 但他們從來都不吃, 有回我看見娘把蛋打進鍋里後用嘴舔著蛋殼裡剩下的蛋清, 我摟著娘嚎啕大哭.. 說什麼也不肯吃雞蛋了, 爹知道原委後氣得要用棍子打娘.. 最後我妥協, 前提就是我們三人一塊吃.. 雖然他們同意了, 但每次也就像徵性的用牙齒碰一下..

莊上的人從來不叫我名字, 都叫我是瘸瞎子家的.. 爹娘一聽到有人這樣叫我必定會跟那人拼命.. 娘看不見就會拿了磚塊亂砸, 嘴上還罵著: 你們這些殺千刀的, 我們瘸瞎, 我娃好好的, 就不許你們這樣叫喚.. 將來你們一個都不如我娃.. 那年中考, 瘸瞎子家的考了全縣第一的喜訊讓爹娘著實風光了一把.. 鎮上替我們家出了所有的學雜費, 送我上學的那天爹第一次出了山.. 上車的那會, 我眼淚撲剌剌的直掉, 爹一手拄著拐一手替我擦淚: 進了城要好好學, 以後就在城裡找工作娶媳婦.. 別人問起你爹娘你就說你是孤兒, 沒爹娘, 不然別人會看不起你.. 特別是娶不上媳婦, 人家會嫌棄你.. 誤了你娶媳婦, 我都無臉去見老祖..

爹! 我讓爹別在說了, 這是什麼話, 還沒有用呢咋就不認爹娘呢? 娘也說這是真話, 要聽.. 你不記得在學校裡嗎? 只要說你是瘸瞎子家的, 別人就會拿白眼擠兌你.. 剛開始連老師都不喜歡你.. 以後, 你帶了城裡媳婦回家就說俺們是你的堂叔和堂嬸.. 娘說完就在那抹淚.. 爹說, 不要把媳婦帶回家, 一帶回來你娘忍不住就會露餡的.. 然後往我懷裡揣了十個熟雞蛋就拖著娘走了.."

我的眼淚也撲剌剌地往下掉, 殘疾不是他們的錯, 那是老天對他們的不公.. 但他們卻生了一個完美的天池給我.. 這個傻天池, 這樣的爹娘, 無法再完美了.. 我很生氣, 他怎麼就這麼小看我呢?

" 那後來, 你就告訴你媳婦他們是你堂叔和堂嬸?" 我敲過去這句話..

" 本來我不信..媳婦找的是我, 又不是爹娘, 為啥爹娘都不能認呢? 不過我在外十年, 爹娘一次都沒去過我的學校.. 第一年工作, 我想帶他們進城玩玩, 他們都不肯, 說讓人曉得我爹娘是殘疾人會在我臉上抹黑, 影響我娶媳婦.. 一輩子都在山里了不想出去了.. 娘還說她就是從城裡來的, 也沒啥意思.. 後來, 我談了第一個女朋友, 當我認為時機差不多的時候, 就帶她回了趟家.. 誰知到家後, 她晚飯都沒留下吃一頓就走了, 我追出去她說, 和這樣的人過日子她一天都過不下去.. 還說我們家基因有問題, 以後的小孩肯定也不會健康.. 我氣得讓她有多遠滾多遠.. 回到家, 娘在那哭, 爹也罵我.. 說我不聽他們的話, 非要斷了咱家的香火不可..

後來, 我遇上了第二個女朋友, 就是現在我的老婆.. 我很愛她, 做夢都怕失去她, 她們家又很有錢, 親戚都是些上等人家, 有了前車之鑑我很害怕只能不孝了.. 但是一到逢年過節我就想他們, 心裡堵得慌, 難受.."

" 那你從來就沒有告訴過你老婆?? 也許她不計較這些呢??"

" 我沒說過, 也不敢說.. 如果她同意了我想我岳母也不會同意的.. 我和她們住在一起, 岳父在外是有臉面的人.. 如果爹娘來了不是在他們臉上抹黑嗎? 我也只能在出差學習的時候偷偷回去看上兩眼.. 謝謝你聽我說了這麼多, 現在我的心裡舒服多了.."

下了網, 我依舊沒有覺意.. 都說兒不嫌母醜, 狗不嫌家貧, 看看我們都做了什麼? 我理解天池的無奈, 也了解他爹娘的苦衷.. 但他們不知道卻將無辜的我陷入了無情無義的逆境之中..

天將放亮時, 我敲開了部門經理的門, 告訴他下面的事情請他全權處理, 我有點非常重要的事情盡快要辦, 一切就拜託他了.. 然後簡單收拾一下行李我就直奔火車站.. 還好, 趕得上頭班列車..

那條山路確實很難走.. 剛開始腿上還有點勁, 後來腳上磨起了泡我就再也走不動了.. 正是中午時分, 太陽又曬得厲害, 我只有喘氣的份.. 背來的水差不多快喝完了, 我也不知道下面還有多少路程要走.. 脫下鞋子擠了水泡, 那一會疼得我都哭出聲來, 真想打個電話讓天池來接我回家, 最後還是忍住了.. 從路邊揪一把蘆葦花墊在腳底, 感覺腳上舒服多了.. 想到天池的爹娘此時還在家勞作著腿上忽的一下就來了勁, 站起來繼續往前走..

當老村長把我領到天池家門口的時候, 那一片燒得紅紅的晚霞正照在他們家門口的老棗樹上.. 棗樹下坐著堂叔, 哦不、是天池的爹, 爹比結婚時看到的老多了, 手上剝著玉米, 拐杖安靜地倚在他那條殘缺的腿上, 娘跪在地上準備收曬好的玉米, 手正一把一把地往裡擼.. 這, 宛如一幅畫, 而畫中便是這世上最完美的爹娘..

我一步一步地往他們跟前走著, 爹看到了我, 手中的玉米掉在了地上, 嘴巴張得老大, 吃驚地問:" 你、你咋過來了?"

娘在一旁摸索著問:" 他爹, 誰來啦?" "天、天池家的.." "啊! 在、在哪?" 娘驚慌失措地找著我的方向.. 我彎腰放下行李, 然後一把抓著她的手, 對著他們, 帶著深深地痛、重重地跪了下去:" 爹! 娘! 我來接你們回家了!" 爹乾咳了兩下, 淚無聲地從爬滿皺紋的臉上流出.. "俺就說, 俺的娃沒白養阿!" 娘把雙手在自個身上來回的搓, 然後把抱住我, 一行行的淚水從她空洞的眼裡熱熱地流進我的脖子裡..

我帶爹娘走的時候村里是放了鞭炮的.. 我又為爹娘風光了一次.. 當天池打開門, 看到一左一右站在我身邊的爹和娘時吃驚不小,怔怔地愣在那, 一語未發..

我說:" 天池, 我是讀你的人.. 我把咱爹娘接回來了.. 這麼完美的爹娘, 你怎麼捨得把他們丟在山里?"

" 謝謝!"

天池泣不成聲, 緊緊的抱住我, 像他娘一樣把一行淚流進我的脖子裡..

看完后, 很感動..
卻哭不出來; 可是我絕對不是冷血的人哦!~

還有, 父親節快樂!!~
Thursday, June 18, 2009 - , 0 comments

17 Again \ 成功论

went pyramid to watch 17 again on monday..
nice movie man!~
it's quite funny and Zac Efron is so handsome ^^
i think he is an amazing actor who makes this movie better..
especially i like the scene that Mark slapped by a whole bunch of girls and his best friend..
yeng man~
anyway, this is an excellent movie :)

almost 7pm, daddy suddenly called me and asked me to bring his spare car key for him..
because he left it inside the car..
actually he can still open the door with his handphone de but he has forgotten the procedure..
so, he asked me to take taxi with yewyew wor..
because he scared i dunno how to drive during the after work period; traffic jam + too many cars edy..
haizz.. they always "tái suì" me!!
and of course i'm not wasting my 10+ bucks for taking taxi..
so, i'm still driving there (:
it was quite jam but still okay..
yewyew was sitting beside me and memorizing her literature for exam~Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde..
wow~ cool man.. i can still remember the plot of the story since 4years have been passed..
then, 9pm something, followed to fetch brotha after his tuition because i like to "yâo qie hór"..
他一上車就講:" 爸, 你很失敗耶!"
爸:" huh?? 什麽??"
actually i'm quite confusing with his words..
why 'left car key inside the car = 失敗' leh??
so, i said:" 爸, 不用緊, 你還是很成功, 因爲你有一個會駕車的女兒.. " ;)

i'm lazy to online these few days..
hmm, actually i did online too but not using my laptop or yew's computer..
i felt very sienz while i'm online-ing..
dunno la.. it's just like i've been given a lot of time staying in front of the computer; then felt so sienz..
but if there are just only few hours after class to online; i maybe will so exciting..
人啊, 真是奇怪!!~
now, i love browsing the website with my phone; easier and faster..
just like now, i'm watching <healing hands 3> in the living room..
and i'm blogging with my phone too at the same moment..
of course keypad of computer will be more comfortable to type..
but the phone's was not bad too..


i'm here again to wish ELLA hApPy BirThDaY~

woo hoo~
one year has been passed..
and you are shooting for your new drama now..
i'm so glad for waiting your <just want to depend on you>~
gambateh ya~~

寶貝 ; 生日快樂!!~
Friday, June 12, 2009 - , , 0 comments

★ 09.06 ; 10.06 ; 11.06 ★

F5 @ performance management:
ended on monday(08.06.09)..
i found it is easier and simple this time..
if compared to the pass year questions that i did..
but i dunno how to do.. seriously..
that's the main problem!!
confusing, right?!
but i really dunno what happened to me..
the questions are really simple but i dunno what am i calculating and writing abt!!
i have no confidence to pass this paper at all..
it's really sad..
this is not F4; i dun wan to repeat study it again next sem!!
pass : fail ; 30% : 70%  <-- probability
hopefully can pass le!! plz bless me!!~

09.06.2009 <Tuesday>
first day of holiday..
went taman desa to eat fish head mee hoon with mummy..
then went RT to buy some breads for yew and brotha..
because they are not following us and my brotha hate to eat the mee hoon..
RT was actually introduced by tian xin..
and my whole family love its cakes and breads since one year ago bah..
yew and i bought the cake for my mum on the last mother's day de..
after that, went home; took a bath; think to wake yew up..
but i fall asleep while i'm pulling her up.. -.-'

10.06.2009 <Wednesday>
woke up at 6 something..
because i need to teman mummy and brotha go to the sunway medical centre..
they have booked for the medical check up..
brotha~ chui bo bo(in cantonese).. check his stomach de..
mummy~ x-ray
i didn't went there before since the death of my granmma..
almost two years le bah?!
sunway is all under renovation leh.. so rich~
after that, went ampang again to find the tabib to see my mum's report..
baba is coming back from china at night..
so, we went to fetch him after yew's tuition..
watched <A Great Way To Care>.. nice drama..
the doctors inside were pro man..

11.06.2009 <Thursday>
shopped one utama..
actually i wanna go klcc de..
but mummy said kl will be having traffic jam during 5~6pm wor..
so we went to one u lor..
for me, one u is just for watching movies or singing k only..
because its shops have nothing new + sienz..
we walked the whole day and i just bought a bag..
mummy shopped with her friends and left me and yew walked ourself..
initially two of us wanna eat mc. donald de..
because it has the lunch time offers mah..
but too many ppl edy; we lazy to wait for a long queue..
so, changed our mind to eat delifrance..
wow~ we ordered the deli meal for two persons de..
then we ate until wanna vomit orh; so full..
but i really love its pasta forestiere and mushroom soup.. yummy!~
before we get to one u there,
we saw two guys robbing others' laptop or something else in front of the university of malaya..
one of the guys fall out from their motor and hampir langgar by the other car..
but the other guy ignored his friend; drove his motor and ran away..
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 - 0 comments

plans traveling to TAIWAN ^^

it's holiday again..

i'm planning to go taiwan in the end of this year..
maybe after my examinations in december..
i think i will have a two weeks+ holiday on that time gua..
initially my family are following too..
but they have changed their mind after they knew weiyi maybe will go with me..
swt la..

mummy said that they actually wanna go hong kong de..
and my brotha said he maybe will go korea with his friend..
lastly left my little sistha~yew; said she is either following me or go genting with her friends..
okay.. so, i'm looking for matta fair now..
but i have checked that the matta fair 2009 in kl was held during mac edy..
the next round of it will be on july in penang and johor..
so far; how to go there orh??!

i checked the air asia..
but the offers are only for trips between june till september de..
if we get the offers package,
we can just pay RM179 for one-way flight for economic seats la;
if not, we need to pay RM549 also for one-way nia on december leh..
or maybe it will be having another promotions later??

besides that, i'm collecting the info from the taiwanese too..
the weather during november to december may around 20~25°c..
quite cold bah, i think..
it still depends on which place we go de la..
there will be more cooler if we go yáng míng sãn..
kenting and gaohsiung vs taipei..
one is located at the top north there; one pula at south..
actually if we really wanna travel the whole taiwan,
i think two weeks is more than enough edy..

heehee :)
if i go taiwan successfully this time, i would consider to travel to japan or korea next time..
my second dream destination of traveling..

(info maybe will be updated again next time..)
Friday, June 5, 2009 - 0 comments


i finally have made the decision..
i went to cut my hair short again this morning..
okay lu..
did rebonding also..
wasted half of the day..
really no mood to study F5 la..
lazy to think so much arh..

你劃定楚河漢界 我不能輕易犯規
所有時間 都是先給了你優先權
不自覺 愛到不敢冒險

愛到妥協 到頭來還是無解
綁著你 不讓你飛
歷史不斷重演 我好累
愛到妥協 也無法將故事再重寫
你已下最後通牒 我躲在我的世界

<ID精英> 還不錯看喲~
<福氣又安康> 要上映咯~
哎喲, 必須要等到考完F5才能看...

dad is going to china tomoro..
be careful er..
dun bring the H1N1's virus come back arh!!


closed my eyes

now is 2:32am ; 05.06.2009..
but i still can't fall asleep yet..
and i was too lazy to touch my F5's notes...


i was considering to cut my hair shorter leh??
or just leave it and let it grow longer??
dunno la...


jocelynn is now:
~>  viewing CE
~>  reading novel
~>  downloading songs
~>  listening to jolin's <妥協>
~>  waiting for <the threshold of a persona>


and she is thinking to:
~>  play <the sims 2>
(but a little bit sienz..)
~>  play <the sims 3>
(but dun have the cd yet..)


Thursday, June 4, 2009 - 0 comments


it's really a 豆腐渣!!
spent so much money to build it but.......
COLLAPSED within one year?!!



shame shame er..
actually i wanna know what did the government do to the tax payers' money??
where did they spent our money??

not "our"..
because i'm not a tax payer yet..
but i'll becoming a tax payer later in few years time leh..
it's means i will start paying tax to them lo..
i maybe need to work so hard to earn my money but then give them to build such thing??

it seems like i need to be very gêng for my tax from now on..
must pro in tax planning..
then only can skip/pay less LEGALLY..
i dun feel like wanna 便宜那些人 lor!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009 - 0 comments


<THE 3rd ROUND>  by TANK

i love tank's vocal after i heard his <專屬天使>..
he is so talented..
and the musics wrote by him were awesome!!~
yeng man!~ especially <我們怎麼了>..
nice~ nice~ nice~

i have been waiting for his new album for almost 2 yrs+,
and finally that's it...

there are a few of the songs that i think is worth to listen to it..
because the lyrics are so touching..
and the musics were quite nice too..

快樂 什么時候會結束呢
可知你是我生命中的 最舍不得

如果我變成回憶 退出了這場生命
留下你錯愕哭泣 我冰冷身體 擁抱不了你
想到我讓深愛的你 人海孤獨旅行
我會恨自己 如此狠心

如果我變成回憶 終于沒那么幸運
沒機會白着頭發 蹒跚牽着你 看晚霞落盡
漫長時光總有一天 你會傷心痊愈
若有人可以 讓他陪你

如果我變成回憶 最怕我太不通起
頑固的賴在空氣 霸占你心里 每一寸空隙
要讓依然愛我的你 痛苦承受失去
這樣不公平 請你盡力 把我忘記
i love this song the most!!
if i became a memory......
i watched the mv too..
acted by jiro and selina's sistha..
jiro's new hair style makes him looks so young :)

top 2 that i like although i felt this song is nicer than <如果我變成回憶>..
felt relax when listened to it..

全世界都停了電 全世界都封了街
我所有窗子外面 被貼上黑夜
我吶喊思念 卻沒人聽見
絕望到極點 剩的是疲倦

全世界都停了電 全世界白雪滿天
才發覺在我心間 有回憶碎片
一作夢翻身 就刺痛流血
我捲著身體 縮成一個圈
i dunno this song was the one of the theme songs for <ToGetHer>..
well; it's nice!~

besides tank's album,
wilber's <零零七> was quite nice too..
especially the songs <寂屋出租> & <親愛的>..

會長大的幸福 ♪♪

yeah~ oh~
사랑해요 사랑해요 oh~
在 夜市裡逛地攤 送你一副耳環
你很喜歡 一整晚笑聲不斷
陪 你看電影哭完 心裡想愛好難
迷昏感慨 現實會害人離散

你說浪漫 和貧富無關
在捷運車站 不在乎圍觀



為你 生日的夜晚 經受兩例晚餐
你真可愛 很捧場吃兩碗飯
ㄍ一ㄥ 電話有點摔壞 一直想幫你換
努力加班 你心疼的淚打顫

你說浪漫 和貧富無關
在捷運車站 不在乎圍觀




<如果我變成回憶> 還是我心目中的No. 1 啦..


Tuesday, June 2, 2009 - , , 0 comments

screaming so loud ; LOL

i am so sad that i can't go for the promo tour in penang nor johor!!
arron looks so cute when he is wearing the short pants..
and my superman~wuchun; i miss him so much..
i saw so many 'boy boy' attending the qiän chàng huì..
dunno whether they are accompanying their girlfriends leh??
or they really like Fahrenheit?!
superman said he is waiting for a suitable script and character now..
and maybe will shoot for them (ôu xiàng jù) next year..
maybe can shoot with ella orh..
after ella has finished her <just wanna depend on you> la.. (:

finished F6 & F4 edy..
F6 @ taxation(mys):
overall were still okay..
but i dun think i can score lor.. ):
F4 @ corporate and business law(mys):
i think i won't pass de..
so, i'm preparing to see ms. pushpa again next sem or next2 sem; either one la..
or maybe there will be a miracle on next two months(my results' day) leh??
who knows?? (ans: god~)
i was just felt so sorry to my dad..
because he is the one who supporting or sponsoring me with the money..
but i have wasted it easily )x
this exam might be my first time sitting in the first row there..
there was a few invigilators(ladies) always jî jî zhâm in front of me during the exam..
i was feel like wanna ask them to shut up.. byk bising lo..
and i found that someone was absent from the exam today..
i really doesn't understand,
why they have been paid 61pounds for the paper but then they didn't come for the exam leh??

now only left F5 @ performance management..
gambateh arh, yew jia ying!!

mummy was not feeling well..
so yew, granmma and i accompany her to ampang feel like seeing a tabib there..
we went there from sri petaling..
stuck in the traffic jam and passed by all kampung roads..
we mí lù le because no one of us know the direction..
and used up almost 1+hrs to reach there..
suay man..
the tabib didn't open/work today..
he/she was taking a rest on saturday night now..
stupid de.. waste my time~~3hrs leh..
time gone like nth at all..

woke up in the early morning..
after dím sùm, i fetched mummy to ampang again..
but this time we used the highway from kl de..
just paid rm1.50 for toll and we reached in 15+mins..
and the important thing is i can recognize the road ma..
what is the point of wasting time by using the way that we didn't knew abt it leh??!
15mins compared to 1hr; which is more worth it??
night; fetched whole family with mum's car to pavilion to collect her trousers..
i hampir langar other ppl because of those brainless ppl..
they all crossed the road by not looking to the traffic lights de wor..
summore they still crossed slowly leh..
geram orh!!
" PLZ dun aimed for my car if you really wanna die; go further la.. okay?!! "
kée siào...
then go kuchai lama to dá bào kfc..
long time didn't eat fast food edy..
i miss mc. donald x)

okay, done with this..
it's time to watch <black and white> now..
summore plus the <knock knock loving you>  *.^
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