Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 0 comments

hard decision..

i’m going to drop my F4~law paper for tis sem..
after next monday la..
and the premise is i passed my CAT..
law paper is just like sejarah..
it is a killer (to me la..)..
i understand bt i CANT memorize..
this is the main problem..
so much of cases law & sections..
wa-lao-ei.. worse than T5..
and i always fall asleep when pushpa started lecturing..
i think i most probably absorbed 30~40% per lesson instead of 100%..
i’m just wasting my time sitting in class and do nth..
it is same as last time~my T8 paper..
i tried to concentrate but i cant..
i’m not interested in law at all..
although i always said drop this or postpone tat and sounds like joking..
actually it is quite hard for me to do this decision..
because i scared i will b slower than others half a year late..
but finally i choosed to do so after chatting with my dad..
he told me a lot of stories and his own experiences..
i cry some more when i talking to him just now..
because everyone is talking and aiming to graduate in 3-yrs-time..
i’m so stress because i don’t think i can handle it..
he said tats my future!!
tat is my road but not others!!
y should i care abt others and their ideas??
as long as i feel tat the choice i choosed is right, den just go ahead la..
do whatever i feel it is comfortable..
time is not a serious concern..
i can also graduate at btw age 21~22 wad..
it is earlier also as compared to those taking other courses..
ya.. i absorbed whatever he said and thus making this decision..
but what i need to mention is i wont give up law..
i will b back and fight with u with my 100% concentration next sem..
as i now only taking 2 papers per sem instead of 3..
and i think i also can put more effort in the latest papers especially audit..

sounds better and relaxed now..
i’ll still attend 2moro’s F4 exam..
so G1′s classmates, v work hard together la..
but in the ends, marks for F4 is not my concerns anymore..
my now focus is on F5 and F6..
i need to score in these 2 papers!!!


i dunno whether should i change my mind now arh??
still haven gt back my F4 and F6 results..
nvm la..
v can don’t sign up for the exam at last..
so just attend the classes and decide later lo..


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