Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - 0 comments

Interview with KPMG tomorrow.. wish me luck ya! :)

Going to have a group interview with KPMG again tomorrow noon.

I am very very nervous now. Will be very fish if I get rejected by the same company twice. So please wish me luck for tomorrow so that I can be very smooth in presenting and communicating with the interviewers!

Just believe in yourself and you can do it!
Good luck and gambateh, Jo!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - , 0 comments

120314 Happy White Day! ^^

White Valentine's Day!

It seems like not many people know about this special date. At least most of my colleagues don't know.

Received a shocking news after I came back from work, which is..... my brotha broke up with his girlfriend today. Oh no, damn shocking man! And it's actually unbelievable! I thought fattie is kidding with me until my mum and yewyew told me that it's true. Aiksss.. dunno what to say and I think third parties better don't voice up. Shihhhh.. keep our mouth shut!

Still considering whether should I get this also?

Signing off,
Feeling physically and mentally exhausted for work. :(
Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - 0 comments

Blue or pink?


Which colour sweeter and nicer for girls? I prefer blue one since I am a blue lover, but I felt that pink was quite pretty and cute too. So.... how?

Signing off,
Got the email from EY and I was rejected! Damn.. Not even give me a chance to go for an interview. Aiks..
Sunday, March 11, 2012 - 0 comments

Where will I be in my future?

Just sent my curriculum vitae to some of the accounting and audit firms. Hopefully will get some good news from them soon and wish that the interview process can be as smooth as it can. Don't be nervous and speak slowly, Jo, you can do it! Gambateh!
Saturday, March 10, 2012 - , , 0 comments


Me and my little cute Ginger~!
& of course not forgetting my mum who is at the back there. Hahaa

Supposed be preparing and getting ready to go for a trip to Bukit Cahaya with my colleagues at seven thirty later but I just SMS-ed Yuan Leng and told her that I am not joining. Wasted a chance to have fun with them since:

** I am gonna go and settle something fishy with Sunway-TES;
** my "relative" came and visited me yesterday; and
** I can't sleep well the whole night because of working OT and reaching home that late, headache now.

Signing off,
I hope I still manage to catch-up with <Hippocratic Crush> after settling all the non-sense things!
Thursday, March 8, 2012 - 0 comments

Gorgeous CHANEL design nails!


I wanna do this badly!

I hope these gorgeous babies are on my little fingers before my graduation ceremony!

So is there any pro nails stylist in Malaysia who can help me to fulfil this wish?

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