Saturday, March 26, 2011 - , 0 comments

Earth Hour 2011

Hmm.. I know the lights must go off for at least an hour at 8 30 tonight, but, I'm not going to join this event since Astro AEC will be airing the 2nd MAMA 2011 starting at 8pm. I can't go Genting, so the only way I can see Fahrenheit and WuChun is... watch the Astro AEC!

Aww.. I miss them so much, especially Ah Chun! Really can't wait to see them on TV later! How I wish I can have a free ticket to join the party!!
Okay, so I will only turn off all the lights, air-cond, electrics, and left the TV on! Sorry la, my dear EARTH!
Yay yay~! Ah Chun, see you later!

p\s: Actually I should be buying their latest album and attending their autograph session which was held at Midvalley yesterday night! However, who asked me to be so selfish and don't wanna spend money on buying their album leh? Wasted a chance! Lol
Friday, March 18, 2011 - 0 comments


Haizz.. Now I am the one who need to sigh!

Dunno whether I should feel happy or sad now?

Happy that my phone doesn't have the common earpiece problem; or should I feeling sad that it suddenly shut-down by itself yesterday night and cannot be re-on again, just show me its black face! Sigh.. Needa wait for one week again to get a new one from DiGi. Shit! Wasted my money to put on the screen protectors! But still, Im far more lucky than my dad, his one needa wait for one month more then only can get a new stock since he only found out the earpiece problem after a week from the date of receiving the phone. Kesiannya!

Stupid DiGi, poor after-sales service; complaints no reply; didn't respect & ignore their customers and so on! Actually, if DiGi isn't the cheapest mobile phone operator, I would rather choose to use Maxis!

Out of the topic:
Got back my PT1 paper from Mr. Michael today.
Hooray~! 40 marks. ;)
I know there's nothing to be proud with since I didn't pass the paper and it's actually passable and I get a comment from Michael (p\s: I assumed its from him 'cause HanLiang said he normally won't let the markers to mark) --POOR ATTEMPT & SECTION B IS BADLY ANSWERED!, but, but I still feel very very happy 'cause I don't need to go for PT Special! PHEW~ ^^
& because of the comments, I think I better start to do my revision next week, or else I don't think I can graduate in this June. Touch-wood**

Jiayou lo~!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 - 0 comments

Mine! xD

Im not dreaming, MINE is finally on my hand!

I hope it won't have the earpiece problem like my dad's one.

Okay, let's get it charged for few hours first..

Good nights! :)


Im crazy over U ♥


I think I replayed this MV for more than 10 times already. :)

Weibo so cuteeeee! & I wonder who's the girl? She's quite pretty.

Searching for its download link now.. The very first thing Im gonna do is get this on my iPod asap once I get my iPhone 4!

Tell me baby I love u love u love u
So baby baby tell me baby
I love u love u love u

I am crazy over U U U U U
如此瘋狂的中了 Do Do Do Do Do
I am going crazy over U U U U U
觸控的心被啓動 點選傳説中的幸福

I am crazy over U U U U U
如此瘋狂的中了 Do Do Do Do Do
I am going crazy over U U U U U
Cause this is all about U
oh yeah yeah I am crazy over U

Sunday, March 13, 2011 - 0 comments

Let's pray for the world!!

Let us all pray for the world, especially Japan and Yunnan, those hitted by the tsunami and earthquake.

YOU will get through this! God bless you all...

p\s : Really really appreciate that Im living in Malaysia, a place which is free from natural catastrophes. I cant imagine what if Im one of those victims of the disasters! 平安是福, 該知足了!

Friday, March 11, 2011 - , 0 comments

《SIGN》最終回 ~~為守護信念而放棄了生命!

Hmm.. 該怎麽說呢? 我沒什麽感覺, 有的只是替法醫和多璟, 他們未完成的愛情感到可惜! 不過, 對於這樣的結局, 我還是可以接受的, 因爲這世界不可能永遠完美, 也不可能每次都是Happy Ending, 而且法醫一開始本來就對用科學來解釋真相, 不屈服于有權利的政治家之下很堅持, 所以對於法醫明知道姜舒妍下了葯, 還是把那個給喝了, 我覺得很正常, 也很符合他的個性。

其實結局是 SIGN 還是 SIGH 因人而異, 每個人都有他自己不同的想法啦! 不過如果你問我的話, 我覺得 《Sign》 真的是部值得一看的水木劇啦!

Ratings: 10+1 / 10

相反的, 《My Princess》的結局才令人想嘆氣呢, 簡直是敷衍了事啊! Sigh..
Saturday, March 5, 2011 - 0 comments

轉身之後 ~~Bii


有些事想說明 我的決定

不想問不想聽 這段感情

聽我說 從今後 我會一個人生活
沒有我 的時候 你要一個人好好過

在我轉身之後 妳卻又抱著我
在放手以後 不再擁有 彼此的溫柔

在我轉身之後 你的淚不停流
雖然心很痛 卻只能說 分開以後 我就要遠走

最近常在電臺聽到這首歌, 很喜歡! 不過, 或許我比較笨吧, 我搞不懂MV在演神馬?!

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