Thursday, April 30, 2009 - , 0 comments


harlo.. good morning.. hee.. today might be the day i woke up the earliest among these few days le.. 我這幾天一直過著頽廢的生活..
i have finished watching <遇見完美鄰居的方法> while i'm waiting for <痞子> and <愛宅>.. honestly speaking, korean drama 真的很婆媽、拖拖拉拉的..
now i'm thinking to watch <聊齋·奇女子>.. because it looks so interesting when i saw the trailer from astro.. and the most important thing is this drama was acted by 范文芳..
oh my godness.. i'm beoming a 宅女 now during this holiday.. watch movies/drama、online and chit-chat、do some housework nia.. so, when am i going to start my revision leh??! i dunno.. i'm a lazy fellow.. and i like to enjoy first instead of suffering.. mayb i'll do it at the very last minute gua..

*yay* it was thursday again.. pasar malam.. pasar malam.. woohoo.. i almost went there every thursdays.. except for exam weeks la..
sometimes i'll go there with yew²(mei mei) or else will go with daddy and mummy.. v can only buy drinks(ice-blended) or some snacks if v are going with mum and dad.. because i have no money ma.. so, i'm just walking around to see some new things if i went there alone..

today is the last day of april lu.. 我很期待明天的到來哦!~ 05.01是個很好的日子..
JERRY x ELLA = 就想賴著妳! 這對*平果*組合到底會為我們帶來什麽樣的驚喜呢?!!
敬請期待2009年, 最浪漫最爆笑現代版灰姑娘愛情奇遇記~~ 就讓項羽平楊果來告訴我們答案吧~
finally.. the news is out.. ella finally has confirmed that she will be acting in this drama.. 呵呵.. JE is a new combination.. hope they will 產生一些不一樣的火花..
律師 vs 保姆.. 誰k.o.誰呢??
Saturday, April 25, 2009 - 0 comments

Black and White

*痞子英雄 Black and White*

我不愛看動作片, 真的..

我看了第一集, 就已經深深的吸引住了..
看了第二集, 更讓我的心臟跟著它起伏不定..
實在是太刺激了!! 很好看!!

很可惜, 我這三分鐘熱度的人,
喜歡就像過眼雲煙一樣, 很容易喜新厭舊..

mark是新人.. 第一次演戲..
很難想象.. 因爲他實在是演得很棒..
聽説他闖了很多関才被挑選出來的.. 很好..

陳意涵.. 很漂亮的小女生..
也是個新人.. 演技不錯啦..
對第一次演戲的人來説, 已經是很好了..


conclusion: 這真的是一部值得看的電視劇!~

I’m back from suffering!

finally, mock is over!
呼.. 終于可以鬆口氣了..
這幾天簡直是度日如度年啊.. 難熬死了!!
我睡了一整天, 才足夠補回我所流失的精力..
哎.. 連我自己也搞不懂,
爲什麽只維持了三天的考試, 竟然會比考一個月的SPM還來得辛苦?!!

this is the worst exam that i ever had before..
i tembak right a few questions of it..
but i don't think the answer i wrote will score full marks..
i know i'll fail la!! but plz don't let me fail with embarrassed marks again!!
i really can't take it de..
F5**performance management:
even no one of the ques that i know how to start to work with it..
my brain kong kong de!!
i know that i need to write something..
i cannot leave it totally blank even though i know i'll fail this paper..
so, all simply wrote la..
dunno why?! i cannot think of some mature or commonsense answers..
i just can't think it!!
ms. voonsia 很討人厭的!!
she always taught us some basic basic things in class;
but den come out with some strange questions in the exam..
swt -.-"
this time, the paper was set by ms. rozi and ms. joyce..
yes.. is joyce again!!
i knew that i'm gonna die again once i saw her name on the paper..
i still remember that last time T10..
my mock exam 是怎麽死的最慘的..
still can pass gua..
but surely will pass with a low grades..
mayb around 50~60 lor..

苦, 訴完了..
next, talk abt something which is happy..
yay ^.^~
one week++ break from now on..
mayb wil go for a movie..
or.... 瘋狂地 shopping..
Sunday, April 12, 2009 - 0 comments


逛完了digital mall后,

hi~ my name is MIRU!!
(ps:captured by my dad.. i dunno why its eye bcome like tat wan..)

was it staring at me??

tats not my fingers.. so, u bite la~


yew², daddy and miru..
(ps:要喂它吃零食才肯看過來拍照.. -.-')

bad boy.. sit!!!

dun dare to move edi.. 它有懼高症..

由小姑姑抱著, 狗狗不敢發威, 要不然它一直猛親別人滴..

玩累了.. 真的beh-ta-han它.. 超熱情滴..


Saturday, April 11, 2009 - , , , 0 comments

CAT Graduation

18th ACCA/CAT Graduation Ceremony

Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre

too earlier edi lar!! 小貓都沒有兩三只..

so many ppls.. but all of them r ACCA graduates.. where r CAT's??

* Darrsheni & JY *

* YingHui, JY, JieYing, LiSan *
(ps:dunno why bcome black and white??!)

* YingHui, LiSan, JY, LeeNee *

* YingHui, LeeNee, YeeSoon, HanLiang(Rapper), JY, LiSan *

* Rapper, Jacob, Horace, BakChen(Lobak), SienWei, SiewFai, Edwin, 1Soon *

* SiewFai, JY, YingHui, LiSan *

* LiSan, YingHui, LeeNee, JY, Amanda, EeMay, ViVian *

* LiSan, YingHui, ViVian, JY *
* Marianne, LeeNee *

* Amanda, LeeNee, 1Soon, Kush, Lobak, JY, LiSan *

* YingHui, HuaHie, JY, ✿✿ *
(ps:✿=idk her name..)

cute pose wan :-)

these were took b4 the ceremony starts...
stupid sunway!!
asked us to reach at 7am,
but the registration only starts when almost 8am..
den rehearsal once only,
and gave us 1hr to wear our robes..
v used the remaining times to take photos lor..
but i think the photo is with SuYi..


bcauz they don't allowed ppl walking around..
damn scared when it's my turn to go up stage..
Mr. Teo looks like a 神父 when he wore the robes.. :-)
he is very very 長氣 la!!
many fall asleep when he was giving a speech..
but i was very 精神..
it was quite funny to see the 3 guys in front of me 一直釣魚-i.n.g.
so, i'm not really remembered what teo has said..
he said he aimed to work in the top accounting firm many years ago..
and bla bla bla..
den he ends with wad IMPOSSIBLE is I'm possible~

* JY & 翻版Ms.Voonsia *
(ps:new friend; forgot to ask her name..)


finally it's our lunch time!!
so hungry larr!!

my cert.
inside is blank wan..

so tired man..
my legs were patah edi..

Friday, April 10, 2009 - 0 comments

robes =)

went to take our robes today..
luckily pushpa let us go earlier..
because there was a long queue til outside of the audi..

i dunno how to describe the robes..
so, better put some pictures..

with the green thing one..
(os: idk the green monster called wad..)

whole of it is black..


p\s: it looks weird after wearing it!!
rental for this robe cost me 35 bucks..
stupid sunway.. bloodsucker!!


i was late for the CSB test just now..
i was just late for 5minutes only leh..
but the late-comers were sitting inside there..
and they were started doing the paper edy..
i was too pleasantly surprised by them..
because some of them normally wont come for the classes..
or will be late for almost 1hr everytimes de..
the exam is still ok lor..
can pass la, i think..
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 - 0 comments

updates! :D

04.04.09 :*¨¨*: Såtürdãy
finally finished watching <Woody Sambo>..
ok lu..
overall it is quite nice..
but still gt some boring parts la..

05.04.09 :*¨¨*: Sùñdäý
went to KLCC to search for formal wears..
for this coming saturday..
which is my CAT Graduation Ceremony..
will be held at Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre..
in fact, i'm extremely reluctant to attend..
but since it is compulsory and i've paid 125 bucks for it..
so no choice lor, still need to go wad..
7am muz reached there for registration and rehearsal..
too earlier d la.. crazy de..
hey, my god..
seniors said that we are taking a piece of white paper..
go up up the stage and shoot for photo nia..
that means we can't receive our real cert. that day lar?!!
ai-yo, waste my time!!!
i would rather go shanghai to watch Fahrenheit's concert instead of this..
and the best thing is i can meet my favourite idols~S.H.E..

06.04.09 :*¨¨*: Mønðaÿ
tax lesson by ms. rozi..
quite normal.. do not have any weird things happened..
after that is law by ms. pushpa..
she haven finished marking our papers yet..
mayb will gt back the papers on thursday..
hope i'm not in the barred list!!
ha-leh-lu-ya.. ha-leh-lu-ya..

07.04.09 :*¨¨*: Tüêsdåy
i slept until 11.30am from 10pm yesterday..
more than 12 hrs..
i normally will be off for tuesday because i don't have any classes on it..
except for exams la..
talking abt exams, it reminds me that my mock is just around the corner..
shit la!! pt2 results still haven gt back yet den mock is starting..
hey ppl, plz don't do ACCA in sunway if you cannot tahan stress..
or should i say plz do a favour to think properly b4 you decide to do ACCA..
不要過後才來後悔, 因爲這樣會很浪費時間滴..

Upcoming Events:~
CSB English test @ 10.04.09
18th ACCA//CAT Graduation Ceremony @ 11.04.09
mock exams @ 21.04.09-->24.04.09
holidays @ 25.04.09-->02.05.09
EDC/EFC @ til the end of may
June 09 Examinations @ 01.06.09-->08.06.09
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - 0 comments

April Fool ツ

it's april fool again..
once a year de wor..
do you fooled by others??


i hate streamyx!!
why always so lag huh??!!
i can't watch video!!
i can't download new songs!!
can't even buff 1% for half an hour..
streamyx sux!!




我這封信寫得很慢, 因爲我知道你看字不快!
我們已經搬家了, 不過地址沒改, 因爲搬家的時候把門牌帶來了!
我們這個禮拜下了兩次雨, 第一次下了四天; 第二次下了三天!
我們昨天去買pizza, 店員問我要切成8片還是12片, 我說8片就成了, 12片吃不完!
你在花果山過得好嗎? 我在天庭過得很不好, 由於沒有地心引力, 所以大便、尿尿、眼淚和鼻涕都掉不下來, 你說苦不?
我們這裡的牛肉面很好吃, 改天你來了我們一起到西街的餐廳去吃火鍋!
你的觀音大姐要生了, 因爲不知道生男的還是生女的, 所以暫時不知道你要當舅舅還是阿姨!
我寄給你的衣服你收到了嗎? 要去寄的時候我怕超重, 所以把扣子剪下來放在衣服的口袋裏!
最後告訴你, 本來想寄錢給你的, 可是信封已經封上了!

唐僧  上

ps: i know it is quite lame..
but i still get laughs..
at least better than what twin tower has been knocked down....


can't find other jokes edy..
(os: i'm lazy now..)
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